Hi pripri, I used green peppers, just because I like them best... I guess you could use any really. I've made some pancakes this morning using half a pack of oatmeal and half a pack of hazelnut shake...baked them in the oven and they were sooo yummy
Good Morning peeps. I am back on the wagon and am feeling positive again I've been 100% yesterday and am actually not hungry. Could I already be back in ketosis? I will have breakfast in about an hour...trying to shift every meal an hour backwards, so the evening is not too long. Weigh-in day today...I was dreading it... but I had a loss, a small one, though... 1.9lbs...still my TOTM as well
I'm home and just had dinner: green peppers with tuna and cheese, melted in the oven. It was nice and I feel really full now. Watching Sherlock Holmes now, bought the DVD yesterday. Really like it I feel like I am already compromising on the diet...for example I get thoughts like I try and lose 4 stone with this diet (I've got about 8-9 stone to lose in total) and the do something else. I was so positive about the diet to begin with, but feel like I've lost some of that now... I don't know why and I really want it back... Just don't know how to get there again.