What an absolutely fantastic weekend that was. It was lovely to see Irene & AJ again and to spend some time with Cat, who I only said a brief hello to at Newcastle. I was gutted not to meet Debs & Bev & Kev but hopefully next time. It was lovely too to meet jacsprat, Scarlet & Frejja (who Im hoping to meet up with again very soon
But the most exciting (and nerve wracking lol) thing for me was finally meeting Sharon. Sharon & I have known of each other through a mutual friend for 7 or 8 years now and it was Sharon who got me onto Minimins, but this weekend was the first time we'd met. Its hard to believe that now cos within 5 mins of meeting I felt like Id known her for ever
I had the BEST weekend, and even though we were a small, select group, it didnt hamper the enjoyment of the week
Full report to follow - in my diary ofcourse
But Ive uploaded some photos