hi all
i'm about to start Go Lower at the start of next month. i'm really excited about it and can't wait to fit into my slimmer clothes again. good to see so many people like the diet and find it works. do any of you do regular exercise or do u find u don't need to?
Thanks Suzy,
I do enjoy the breakfast and have it everyday. I sometimes miss lunch as I can't pack it and keep it in my car in this weather. I bought a thermos flask for the soup but usually rush throught the door forgetting to heat it up. I am not really bothered about the snacks as i don't have a sweet tooth and don't like chocolate (sharp intake of breath!!). My ketostix tell me I have been in ketosis throughout. I drink 3 litres of water or more everyday. I enjoy the food but I am disappointed by the lack of weight loss and by the fact that people don't ring me back when they say they will to discuss this. :sigh:
Thanks Suzy,
I do enjoy the breakfast and have it everyday. I sometimes miss lunch as I can't pack it and keep it in my car in this weather. I bought a thermos flask for the soup but usually rush throught the door forgetting to heat it up. I am not really bothered about the snacks as i don't have a sweet tooth and don't like chocolate (sharp intake of breath!!). My ketostix tell me I have been in ketosis throughout. I drink 3 litres of water or more everyday. I enjoy the food but I am disappointed by the lack of weight loss and by the fact that people don't ring me back when they say they will to discuss this. :sigh: