Oh no, I dont intend to go hungry, dont worry!
Saturday 14th May:
B- 57g wholemeal bread (I had to cut a soldier chunk off my normal slices to make it 57g!) (HB), beans, egg
D- pasta and h/m sauce with passata, garlic, peppers and 28g cheese (HA). Apple, rhubarb fool (2syns and still have the remainder to eat for after tea) made with rhubarb (1/2syn), honey (1/2 syn), l/f greek yog (1syn), quark and vlf fromage frais, all layered.
T- butter beans gigantes plaki with salad and possibly a wrap but just checked out the syns for one and its 180 so around 9 syns (wow!!), HiFi for after tea (HB)
snacks- latte (HA)
EDIT- I didnt have the 9 syn wrap. I'll have one sometime next week, but for now its too high in syns for me. So I had the lovely butter beans and salad with a little of the pasta I'd made for lunch on the side. I made the butter beans without olive oil this time as I wanted to keep my HB for other things, they weren't quite as nice but were still very tasty (and free!).
Syn summary:
yog, honey +rhubarb (2syns)
125ml glass of red wine (4syns)
Healthy extra summary:
latte and 28g cheese (HA HA)
wholemeal bread and HiFi (HB HB)
20mins walk, body balance class

(very pleased I made it to this as I hadnt done one since bank hols).