Gobolinos WW diary :)

Whats an empanada and Jamaican patte?

The empanada was a filled baked bread thingy, mine has mozarella and tomato. The pattie was like a pasty but again more bready/less greasy than a pastry type pasty. Totally guessed points, no way of really knowing!

I've had such a hungry week, trying my best though. Had extra roast veg after tea, instead of other bits and have eaten lots of tinned fruit instead of other stuff. Have 2 weeklies left and have earnt 19 activities (that I havent used yet). Weigh in sat am, hope to lose but right now not feeling confident. Im tracking honestly as I can but really want to use at least 33points a day (on a good day).

Again, not been around much (and missing you all and keeping up with you all) as my hand is rubbish again. One handed left hand typing is so slow !!!!!!!!

Update on sat and catch up with you all then :bighug:
We have definitely missed you on the board Gobolino. Hope your hand gets better soon.

Sounds like some sensible substitutions you are making to deal with your hungry week. I am having a hungry few days and seem to be seeking solace in jelly babies and thorntons chocolate and stem ginger biscuits. This way does not, I suspect, lead to a loss on saturday.
We miss you too! Sounds as though you're making good choices in difficult circumstances, so well done hun. Hope the hand feels better soon x
ps - tinned fruit is great isn't it!! I'm on my 2nd week of healthy and filling and still liking the change.
:thankyou: all! Managed to get some physio today so hope to be on the mend soon :)
Hope it heals quickly for you and well done for staying on track through it all :) x
Thanks iclerockchick! Physio went well, it got worse but hopefully is getting better now :) Will be off to get a heat pad to put on it this evening. Apologies again for not being around, I'm reading but not contributing much right now :(

Weigh in today and I lost 3lb :) So, here's to eating tinned fruit when you fancy something naughty and here's to eating all 49 weeklies plus a few activity points.

Key things working for me right now:
* keep believing that I can eat what I'd like so long as its in my points (eg snacking on a selection of nuts/seeds/dried fruit)
* believing in the power of the weeklies
* using the pedometer and pushing to the next earnt point (running up and down stairs late at night to do this!)
* not starting to lose hope on day 5 of the week when the scales still say a STS, pushing though to day 7 makes all the difference

This week is going to be a different week again as we have a cheese and wine party at our neighbours next friday (night before wi). So I'm going to be trying to save weeklies mostly for then, I hope this doesnt send me off the rails. So far each week on ww has been different:
wk 1 - its all new and I love it
wk 2 - I want to eat everything, plus I have an affair with wraps!
wk 3 - food festival on sat meant that I ate about half my weeklies on day 1
wk 4 - this week, will need to save the weeklies for day 7 -aaaarrrggh!
Brilliant result Gobolino, well done! You must be really pleased with your losses so far.

Cheese and wine party sounds awesome! Though I am not sure I would be willing to share the cheese with others... Its bad enough sharing the posh stilton with OH...

Maybe I should try and eat more tinned fruit this week. If someone suggested eating all my meals standing on my head this week as likely to lead to an actual loss I would probably give it a try.
Eating you weeklies would be far easier hun!!!! :D
I only missed 6 of them! And I didn't exactly intend to but as we were going out there was no more eating opportunity! Just for you Gobolino I promise to eat ALL my weeklies this week. It seems we are having friends round again this week for bad SYFY film viewing so I might PP splurge a little and cook something a little more indulgent then, maybe chicken, mushroom and stilton lasagne. I wonder how many of my weeklies I could get through just on stilton?? mmmmm.

Hope hand continues to improve and your fantastic losses continue :)
3lb is such a good loss well done! How much have u lost in Ur 4 wks?
Wow fab loss well done! Hope the injury isn't hindering you too much or causing too much pain. That's great that you have been using all the weeklies plus some activity points I think I'm going to try that as well and see how it goes it's tricky finding what works for you at first. I've kind of messed about had 2 weeks on ww then was away from home for a week so went back to sw and now sticking with that til Friday (that's WI day and don't want to swap plans mid week) then I'm going to give ww a fair shot this time :-D looking forward to it! X
My goodness - 3lbs - that's amazing !!! Goodness I am so proud of you, I think you and WW have really clicked. At the moment, this is totally the diet for you. Really well done hun, fantastic job xx
I'm so jealous! 3lbs is fantastic!
Keep ip the hard work it's obviously paying off!
Thanks for the lovely messages :) I am enjoying pp definitely! I've managed 8lb in the last 3 weeks weigh ins, but thats another thing I'm trying to leave behind from my sw days the 'xlb in xweeks' thinking and the 'how many pounds do I want to lose this week' thinking. The less I can make it about the numbers, the less obsessed I get and the less rebellious I become. The positives for me need to be about how I feel and how in control I feel :)

On that note, I was feeling in control this week. Even today I managed to stick to 21 points throughout the day leaving me enough for a healthy tea, which I had (courgette and mixed veg casserole 4 pp) but then.......... mini binge :(

Out of nowhere really but loosely I feel it came along due to me thinking about trying to be 'good' in anticipation of this friday nights cheese and wine....... clearly feeling like I have to be good prior to this drove me to rebellion.

In the good news I did keep a note of everything I had after tea. Will work out what I have left in a minute (have wiped out the weeklies and severly damaged the activities for this week, plus friday is going to go over the top of all of these :( )
Other contributing factors - mega tired and headachey and ready for TOTM imminent!
Why does thinking about being good always seem to make us do "naughty" things?? It makes no logical sense but that always seems the way it is. Maybe your cheese and wine night exists in a alternative time dimension, somewhere inbetween where this week's weeklies end and next week's begin? Therefore meaning they don't *really* have a point value... Maybe some version of the old flexi syning would work? Tell yourself how many points you want to allow and try to stick with that. That could definitely work with your goal about feeling happy and in control.
Why does thinking about being good always seem to make us do "naughty" things?? It makes no logical sense but that always seems the way it is. Maybe your cheese and wine night exists in a alternative time dimension, somewhere inbetween where this week's weeklies end and next week's begin? Therefore meaning they don't *really* have a point value... Maybe some version of the old flexi syning would work? Tell yourself how many points you want to allow and try to stick with that. That could definitely work with your goal about feeling happy and in control.

Oh I love this idea, thanks !!!! :) Its just a shame its weigh in on sat am! Nevermind apart from friday night I have a quiet weekend and can get lots of activity points in ready for the following week :)