Gobolinos WW diary :)

Ok, here goes, here's the damage:

Weeklies 49 Activities earnt 16

27 Dailies used each day, plus the following:
Sat 3
Sun 10
Mon 18
Tues 7
Weds 25
Total so far = 63 :( :( :(

So all weeklies are gone and I've used 14/16 activity points (plus I dont feel well enough to go out and earn any more activity points tonight). Rubbish!

Will try to earn some more activity points tomorrow and friday.
I think you need to stop worrying! Try to stick to your dailys for now! Hopefully there is no gain! If there is then accept it! Then start a new week fresh!

Fresh new start is what you need :)

It's hard to get back on track sometimes!

But if we eat all our weeklies and activity points we are not supposed to gain!! So I think you'll be fine
Don't be too hard on yourself! You've assessed the damage rather than shy away from it which is great, but it's not going to change so it's not worth worrying about and dwelling on. Just carry on and do your best, look forward not back! Hang in there chick, no wobbles now!
Don't worry gobolino- I do exactly the same thing when I know I have something I need to save points for, it's so weird and it drives me mad!
Your cheese and wine party is on fri right? It is very unlikely that any weight gain will show on sat morning and just start a fresh week after WI! Don't be hard on yourself. Xx
You're all right! Thanks for your support :) :bighug:

Purples, I'm really looking forward to my fresh start (already!)

Beegee, this is just a mini wobble! I'm levelling out and balancing again already!

Becks, it is so annoying isnt it! I've noticed it before, very wierd and very annoying!

Thanks again all, it really helps to get your thoughts and ideas :) In an attempt to stop the wobble in its tracks, I've made a fruit salad which includes fresh and tinned fruit so feels a bit treat-like. Also although I didnt feel like proper exercise tonight, I have gone to buy fruit at the supermarket and I've walked my lovely dog too :)

So, I now have 2 unused activities from earlier in the week and 2 from today!
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U could always do a maintaining wk, have 90 weeklies and u should Sts then plus it will take the pressure off!
That's interesting about maintaining - I didn't know that (being a newbie!). No wonder I'm good at maintaining! It's really useful to know the boundary and it's something to aim for if you know you can't stick to plan properly but don't want to lose control. Thank you!
Interesting idea..... its funny though as sometimes you can stick to the plan and still maintain, so its wierd how that many weeklies is ok to maintain and not actually gain.

My plan is to keep counting and earn as many activities as I can (without going mad as its totm and I dont want to feel wiped out!).

Amazingly I've managed to keep to 27 pp today !!!!! :) I think I've only managed that once before ;)
That'll teach me not to get stressed out about planning for an event -cheese night cancelled !!!! :)

So I've managed 29pp total today (27 dailies & 2 activities) :) Proud of that. Also did davina last night so activities are looking better.

49/49 weeklies used and 16/26 activities used :D
Aww what a shame it's so annoying when u look forward to something then it's cancelled at the last minute! Can u not have ur own cheese and wine party at home?
We did sort of, even better really! All my cheese was measured, ryvita and no wine :)
gobolino said:
We did sort of, even better really! All my cheese was measured, ryvita and no wine :)

Well that's ok then, plus think of all the pp u saved! Have u got lots for the weekend now?
I was secretly pleased it was cancelled in a funny way! My week starts on a sat, so I start with a new set of weeklies - heaven :D
That's a Shame but I know what you mean about being secretly pleased. I get like that sometimes. It's terrible. Good luck for WI tomorrow. Xx
gobolino said:
I was secretly pleased it was cancelled in a funny way! My week starts on a sat, so I start with a new set of weeklies - heaven :D

How many weeklies have u used this wk then? Good luck for Wi tomorrow?
Hi Gobolino!

Just popping in to congratulate you on your weight loss so far!

I'm sure you'll succeed on the rest of your journey! Remember, it's for life, and life is full of ups and downs!

Have a great weekend!

Ah thanks Jaly, thats very nice of you :)

Sarah I used 49 weeklies (I'd used them by weds as I had a mini wobble mid week), at least its all worked out now, even if I have used 16 of my activities too. This is still on plan :)

Becks, thanks for the good luck! I think I'd have looked forward to it more if it hadnt been the night before weigh in !!! Thats bad isnt it!
Well that's what they r there for! I always use all mine!
Ah, thats pants that the cheese night was cancelled but i guess that does take the stress away about how to account for it with your points. And you can now presumably
re-arrange it for a saturday night, or some other day not directly before weigh in.

Hope your weigh in has done well today.