Going it alone with Extra Easy

Dinner pic! Brown rice for bf, basmati for me :)


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Breakfast: Muller Greek style (.5) and an apple. Tea with almond milk (part hea).

Lunch: 2 wholemeal bread (heb ) with ham, lettuce and teenchy bit of coleslaw (2).

Dinner: BBQ brisket (2.5) with SW roasties and peas.

Snacks: Chocolate bars (8), light mayo (1), plus I picked a few of bf's McDonald's chips...

Desperately trying to stay within my syns today as it's weigh-in tomorrow, but all I want to do is eat chocolate!!! Got family visiting for lunch tomorrow so stressing out now trying to get the house clean enough. Hmm Hmm Hmmmm :hide:

Syns: 14 + the couple of chips. Hopefully not too far over; but I went for two walks today for a total of 8km so I think I'm still ok for weigh-in tomorrow. Here's hoping...!
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Just a quick post to outline my Friday plan before I have to hop out of bed and get ready for family visit.

Breakfast : probably just a cup of tea as we're having very early lunch.

Lunch : Sandwich using my heb. Maybe a funsize bar while everyone else has cake.

Dinner : out to see a comedian tonight, bf got me the tix for Christmas. So we'll go out for food before that, thinking of trying a new Asian street food place.

And now I need to weigh myself!
Yay! Great loss!
Dragging myself back on to the wagon after two lovely nights out. So much beer - I've got such a pot belly this morning! :eek: Hopefully putting a post up here will get me back into the SW frame of mind again.

Plan for the week ahead...

I've got a few events on next weekend - Sunday and Paddy's Day - and I have star week coming too, so if I can maintain at 11st 5lbs over the next while I'll be quite happy with that. Will have to do some very light eating this week to make up for how heavy my weekend was, so lots of homemade soup and veg-heavy meals is the plan. I got a bit lazy with my superfree at the end of last week so I'll need to keep an eye on that too and make sure I don't fall out of the habit of doing it.

Today for brunch I've had two slices of soda bread with butter and grated lf cheese, and an orange.

Dinner will be a pulled lamb shoulder with veg and something potato-y.

Going to go out for a walk now to shake off the cobwebs and I'll be back on it 100% tomorrow morning! :D
Morning Minis. Feeling rough this morning, I ache all over! Hopefully not coming down with something. Clothes are feeling tight today so I'm really looking forward to having a few on-plan days under my belt and losing this bloating feeling.

Monday's food plan...

Breakfast: Boiled egg, slice of wm toast (part heb ) and an apple. Tea with almond milk (part hea).

Lunch: wm toast (part heb ) with sugar free beans and mushrooms.

Before night class: Alpen Light (3) and Greek muller (.5)

Dinner: Shepherds pie with lean mince, onions, carrots, peas, gravy (2) and potatoes.

Snacks: snackajacks (5), pink snack bar (3)

Syns: 13.5
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Tuesday! Feeling happily back on track today, just gotta keep it up for the rest of the week!

Today's food plan...

Breakfast: Boiled egg, slice of wm toast (part heb ), and an apple. Tea with almond milk (part hea).

Lunch: Salad plate with ham, lettuce, tomatoes, homemade egg mayo (2), sprinkle of lf cheese (part hea).

Dinner: Thai green curry with chicken, onions, mushrooms, peppers, carrots, sugar snaps and peas. With rice. (2) for curry paste.

Snacks: Alpen Light (part heb ), and 2 more (6)

Syns: 10
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Wednesday's food plan...

Breakfast: Boiled egg, slice of wm toast (part heb ) and an apple. Tea with almond milk (part hea).

Lunch: Half ham salad sambo (part heb plus 1 for mayo). An apple.

Dinner: omelette stuffed with chicken, onions, mushrooms and peppers. Sw chips. Light mayo ( 2)

Snacks: Alpen Light (3), Pink Snack bar (3), lemon biscuit (3.5)

Syns so far: 12.5

Today I was delighted to see Hula Hoop Pufts have made it over to Ireland after reading about them on Minis for so long. I picked up a multi-pack so I might try a bag later for 3.5 syns. It's great to have some low-syn crisps for weekend snacking, I miss having something to crunch on while watching a film!
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Woke up thinking today was Friday... not so!

Thursday's food plan...

Breakfast: Boiled egg, slice of wm toast (part heb ) and an apple. Tea with almond milk (part hea). (My breakfast has gone very same-y lately but it's quick and easy and - more importantly - I'm not bored of it yet so that's a winner in my book.

Lunch: Salad plate with lettuce, tomatoes, ham, homemade potato salad (2 for mayo) and a sprinkle of lf cheese (part hea).

Dinner: cooked ham with carrots, peas, sugar snap peas, roasties. (1) for gravy, (2) for mayo

Snacks: Alpen Light bar (part heb ), an apple, pink snack bar (3), another Alpen (3), few Pufts (2)

Syns: 13
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Woke up this morning and knew straight away that the PMS bloat had arrived and that I wouldn't be seeing a loss on the scales today. Sure enough, 11st 5lbs this morning so STS for me. And that's more than I deserve really considering I had 2 nights out and a Sunday off plan last weekend.

My challenge now is to keep to good behaviour this weekend. Bf has the next four days off and normally I totally lose my routine when he's off and use it as an excuse to eat and drink all around me. I swear I've scuppered so many dieting attempts over the last few years every time school holidays roll around (he's a teacher). We're having a night out on Sunday so that will be my cheat night, going to a gig on Tuesday, and I'll try to stick to plan for the rest of the time. Today and Monday I have no reason to be off plan, but famous last words and all that... I'll just take it one day at a time.

Friday's food plan.

Breakfast: Boiled egg, slice of wm toast (part heb ) and an apple. Tea with almond milk (part hea).

Lunch: Not super hungry so just picked at ham, mayo (1), and an alpen light (part heb ).

Second lunch: Naturally I ended up starving in the afternoon so had 2 pink snacks (6), sugar free jelly (.5), few pufts (3)

Dinner: Chicken breast stuffed with cheese (part hea) and wrapped in parma ham. With stir fried veggies and either rice or couscous...


Syns: 10.5
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Well I said in my post this morning that behaving this weekend would be a challenge and boy do I feel it already! Bf's off, sun is shining, all I want to do is go out to the pub! It's really taking every ounce of my willpower to stay on the straight and narrow right now, hopefully it will get a bit easier once it gets dark and it's time to start getting dinner ready - something to take my mind off it.
HEA: Almond milk / Goat's cheese
HEB 1: 2 wm bread
HEB 2: 1 wm bread / 1 Alpen Light

Breakfast: Apple, toast with LC light (1.5), tea.

Lunch: Sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, ham, mayo (1), coleslaw (2).

Dinner: Chicken stuffed with goats cheese, wrapped in Parma. With stir fried carrots, peas, mushrooms, peppers, onions, sugar snap peas.

Snacks : tucs (12), 1 chocolate (1)

Syns: 17.5

Easing back in with an sp kinda day. Need to undo some weekend damage. Bf has started a paleo stint so that will help with weekend temptations.
Funny how the second day back on SW feels so much easier than the first...

Thursday's plan...

HEB: 2 Alpen Light
HEA: Unsweetened almond milk

Breakfast: Poached egg, beans and mushrooms. Tea.

Lunch: Veg soup (3), an apple and an Alpen Light (part heb ).

Dinner: Roast chicken, mountains of veg, gravy (1). Sweet potato chips. Light mayo ( 1 ).

Snacks: Another apple, Second Alpen (Part heb ). Alpen (3), jelly (.5)

Syns: 8.5

My 2 walks today added up to 8.3km, happy with that! Still have a lot of bloat to lose from last weekend / * week so may skip weigh in til next week, ill see how I'm feeling tomorrow.
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Ooooh lordy, what a morning! Got a call first thing asking me to come in for an interview for a job I applied for last night, in 45 minutes' time! So cue a frantic dash from bed to shower to tumble-drying nice clothes (ended up having to go with a damp shirt sleeve as ran out of time!), hair, makeup, print CV and out the door in 30 minutes! Phew! Fingers crossed it went ok, ill know by the end of the day.
Had breakfast when I got home as there was obviously no time beforehand!

Friday's food plan. . .

HEB: Branflakes
HEA: Almond milk

Breakfast: Branflakes with almond milk and half a banana. Muller Greek-style (.5)

Lunch: Salad plate with ham, lettuce, tomatoes, homemade potato salad (1 for mayo). An apple.

Dinner: Chicken and veg omelette with sweet potato chips and peas. Coleslaw (2)

Snacks: Alpen Light (3), 2 chocs (4)

Syns: 10.5
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