Going it alone with Extra Easy

Ah, I feel your pain SummerDiary! I've been awful too...just seem to have slipped back into my old ways, eating biscuits and chocolate as snacks!

I got on the scales last night and had put on 3lb :-O

So today I have been a bit better...but my friend is about to come over for lunch so it could all go wrong!!!
Too easy! And the worst bit is I've promised OH we'll have dominoes on valentines day and pancakes on pancake day!
Wednesday's food...

HEA: Almond milk. HEB: 2 slices wm bread.

Breakfast: Muller Greek-style (.5), an apple and a satsuma. Tea.

Lunch: Egg, lettuce and tomato sandwich with light mayo (1). An apple.

Dinner: chicken fried rice with peppers, mushrooms, onions, carrots, sugar snap peas, frozen peas and soy sauce.

Snacks: Alpen Light bar (3). Muller Greek style (.5)

Syns: 5

Whoooooo I made it through a day on plan! Had my superfree with every meal and had just 5 syns so I'm feeling really good about that. Off to bed now to think about a plan for tomorrow.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention... I jumped on the scales before my shower this morning and through some miracle I'm still on 11 st 9lbs, which is just 1lb over my lowest weight on SW. So hopefully I'll see 11.8 again soon if I can keep doing this one day at a time. Night all!
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Thursday's food plan...

HEA: 500ml unsweetened almond milk & 1 slice leerdammer light. HEB: 1 WW petit pain

Breakfast: Muller Greek-style (.5) with 2 oranges. Tea.

Lunch: Homemade carrot & coriander soup with petit pain.

Dinner: Stew with lean beef, mushrooms, onions, carrots, frozen peas, passata and gravy (2). With couscous.

Pre-bed snack (because I was ravenous in bed last night!): 1 slice be good bread (3) with leerdammer light (part hea)

Snacks: Alpen Light bar (3)

Syns: 8.5
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Looks like you had a great day yesterday! I've stolen your idea of a hour by hour check list.. Have it by the cupboard with yummy stuff in and it's working a treat! Today, believe it or not, I've not had a single syn! Question is, can I keep it up haha!
Is working so far! Still syn free and hoping to stay that way til dinner, which will require 3 syns (Mac n cheese) and saving 0.5 syns for a Greek style lemon yogurt later!
Brekkie, lunch and dinner


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Yum, yum and yum! Especially your roll at lunch!
Might get some next week...I read somewhere that you can use them to make garlic bread on a mini pizza...yum!
Friday is weigh-in day! And yet again I'm 11st 9lbs :doh: ALTHOUGH - when I was putting the scales away I accidentally changed it to kgs instead of lbs and I measured again, and that showed 73.8kg. So I got my calculator out and worked out that it's actually the same as 11st 8.6lbs. My scales doesn't show half pound measurements but I think if it did I would be 11.8.5 today and down a half pound. I'm not going to count it until I actually see 11.8 on the scales but at least it's nice to be able to check that it's going in the right direction!

Friday's food plan...

HEA: 500ml unsweetened almond milk & 20g light cheddar.
HEB: Country Kitchen Sambo Slim

Breakfast: Muller Greek-style (.5) and fruit. Tea.

Lunch: Mini pizzas on HEB slim with passata, mushrooms, red onions, ham and part hea of cheese.

Second lunch: Toast (3) and ham. So hungry lately, couldn't last till dinnertime!

Dinner: BBQ brisket (2.5) with SW chips and peas. Light mayo (1).

Snacks: Tiny flake (2.5)

Syns so far: 9.5 - will prob use rest of my syns on choc to bring me to 15
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Ummm, looks amazing!

Brunch: 3 rashers (fat off), beans, egg, 1 chipolata (2.5), 2 wholemeal toast (heb ). Tea

Rest of day: well we had an off plan dinner but not quite as bad as it could have been. We had planned to walk to a pub about 30 mins from our house for dinner. They do the most amazing creamy pesto penne that I definitely would have had, along with a beer. But it started lashing rain so we didn't go. Instead had half of a very mediocre korma ready meal and a bottle of low cal lambrusco
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Think I'm going to do a Green Day today. Bf is having dinner at his parents' place and I'll just be making something quick for myself after German class so it can easily become a meatless Monday. The extra HEB will be handy too. I'm usually starving in class so going to change up my meal times to counteract that today.

Breakfast: Boiled egg with a slice of wholemeal toast (half HEB 1). Tea with almond milk (part hea). An apple.

Lunch: Mini pizza with passata, ham (1.5) and veggies on sandwich thin (HEB 2) with part hea of cheese.

Pre-class snack: Alpen Light bar (half HEB 1). Bread (4)

Dinner: Pasta with passata, mushrooms and onions.

Snacks: Mini flake (2.5). Alpen Light (3). Cheese triangle (1.5)

Syns so far: 12.5

Soooo hungry today! Back to normal EE tomorrow for sure
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