Kettlebells are getting started tonight! I'm fed up being lazy with it so I'm determined to get into round2 tonight and that's that! Need to make sure I don't get lazy with it.
Went to the gym last week and did 20 mins
HITT, which is some sort of miracle because I've not been doing HITT since before Christmas.
I bought 2 maxi dresses for my hollybags

Oh and my holiday is 44 days away!! I have just enough time to complete round 2 KB - 6 weeks programme!
Soo plan for today! Will update syns etc later, have a great day
Friday 9th March 2012 - Extra Easy!
A- 45g RF cheese B - 2x 400g WM bread
B - Bacon, eggs, beans and tangerines
L - Lentil and vegetable soup, cheese toastie with beetroot
D - lentil soup, Cold meat and SW chips with mushy pea curry sauce
Syns - biscuit (2) mikados (2) morning roll (8) kitkats (5.5) = 17.5 oops
Snacks - yogurts, green tea and vanilla
Water (2 litres of water 500ml glass) - 1 2 3 4. DONE