Morning everyone,
i wish I knew how to multi quote but still no idea from an iPad.
tee, busy, bubbly, moonwatcher, susie, moonlight, Lisa, val, Lynne, thank you all so much for popping in with your support. I have genuinely not felt alone having you lot here. I have read all of your posts and will reply in bulkish.
Tee thank you, keeping them in the house makes things hard...I have no willpower when they are there
busy, I bought some Andrews salts yesterday as found out milk of magnesia still is not available since being taken off the shelves because of the EU. Anyway I Agree, no more home remedies. Hope you are well?
val, it's hard though not to beat myself up when I Am so annoyed at what I have done. I was doing so well
sammy, thank you and yes I agree it's the processed foods, I'm ok when not on them but then now and again get caught out in a rush
moonwatcher, thank you for the supportive boost. Add a bit more to the lbs today but I know not going wont help. I'm ok today and managed to move things though coconut oil I believe. I wish I could find a good sweet substitute and I think I know why I went mad on the Atkins bars recently, it's totm again but it's only two weeks since last so took me by surprise.
Susie, thanks for that link, I need something good and sweet
bubbly, you are right about being healthy first then worry about the weightloss second. Thank you so much for saying you'd be celebrating with me on the 8th, your lovely

I promise to be careful about how I get in to the 8s.
Lol Lisa, do those pearls really work that fast? I'm scared of taking medication since reading that your bowel will start relying on them

I'd hate that but it is time t get things moving properly quickly regardless.
Thanks moonlights, you always point out the best to do. I think you are right, I'm not in ketosis anymore so have a few awful days ahead of me to get back there. I had a mim yesterday and have chucked out my burgen. I agree fully on the Atkins bars, I wish I didn't crave sweet/chocolate...they are so tasty but I know they have caused my stomach problems without a doubt, everything was going well and I'd got to my lowest then I ate one and one thing led to another. Wish me luck on getting back to the good times.
Lynne, glad to hear you've moved things along

I was busy reading where you say googlies and a whopping spider ran across the sitting room floor, I dropped my ipad in fright, grabbed a trainer and smacked it one right on the head! It's dead! I hate killing them but.....can't settle if I know one that size is on the loose. The bars are mischief and il not be purchasing them again, need to eat sweet stuff elsewhere and safely.