Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie

I'm the same, I know what they say, but surely some foods hold more water and some stored as fat as opposed to burning it. Would love to see a study. x

Morning Val,
There sure is some difference and agreed I'd love to see a study on this. My thoughts are if you are cal counting but chose bad foods you'd not be eating much in that day so would go hungry in between? Which would slow metabolism whereas if you are eating good calories all day sensibly to the same amount you'd be spacing and keep blood sugars good and metabolism working? Hmmm
I thinks sometimes people are jealous of your loss and comment you have lost too much. Years ago I got back down to 10st 7 (I am 5ft 8) and some people said I had lost too much. I look back at me at that weight now, and I see nothing wrong, I looked great! What I mean is, its not necessarily good to take friends comments to heart.

Morning Lynne, you are correct if at 10st 7 you believed you looked great then you probably did no matter what people were saying, I doubt it's jealousy for me, I think people just don't know what to say really... If they say too much good it looks like they are saying you looked horrible before? I'm trying to work out why people sometimes say we look ill that's all.. Very odd and I'd love to know more about people's perception afterwards. Maybe it's an awkward situation for them so they go on the care end and tell you go easy you look ill? Thinking out loud here :)

hopeyour eyes are getting better?
You deserve the fees from the sale lovely.

*tell me about it Lisa ;)* but it's not going to happen! we've got so much to pay out right now getting Jordan to and from school and college. He's doing his exams at the moment.

I'm currently researching 20s make up for a party on Saturday. So many contradictions! But in general heavy grey eyes with pink blush. I've got a natural cupids bow so enhancing that with some shine. Would you agree? I'm so cheeky lol xx

20's make up isn't something I've looked in to because all the photos for inspiration are in black and white lol so that's why your thinking grey right? ;) il have a look for you but isn't flapper 20's or am I in a different era there?
I think whatever make up we out on brings out our flirty side and it does us some pics?
Hey Lauren :) I agree with what you have been saying. I just cought up with it all. Hope its working out well for ya.
I did the same, I look at my self and my goal. My BMI is going to be over for my hight. But you know what, I don't wanna look ill or like a boble head. Also, I don't think I could maintain a weight so low. so for me although 12 stone is technically over weight, I think its about right. hell, its better than the 17.5 I was three/four years ago anyway. Means I wont get really ill if I get the runs lol.

Just cought up with your youtube as well :) I love the purple look from last week. Gonna try that out tomorrow :)
I have an appointment for a tutorial with mac a week Thursday. I can't wait :D :D

Morning firelass :)

its good to be back on there regularly and everyone's been so warm and welcoming.

You ou know your body better than anyone else and if you feel comfy at that weight then that's right for you. I totally agree with this and sometimes looking at the BMI chart can make one feel uncomfortable. You are dead right, you've come from 17 stone and that is such and that your body will thank you for :)
i think it's easy to lose loads of weight and even get smack bang in the middle of ideal or even underweight but maintaining that as women is not going to happen easily. We were programmed to hold a little weight for when we were pregnant, that's all nature has in mind for us. It doesn't realise we live in a world now where body image has become more important than being a healthy child bearer :(
Morning everyone,

I'm 10.0.4 today and happier than ever with that because I've been living on a mid high carb /low to mod GI type way for this whole week. I'm eating as soon as I wake and I think that is the key. I used to wake at 7am and have my coffees but not eat eat until around 1pm.

i don't feel dead any more so maybe the extra carbs are working great for this machine I'm in.

menu yesterday
Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
Alpro - Almond Milk, 100 ml 24 3 1 1 50 3
Kellogg's - All Bran (Uk), 40 g 134 19 2 6 180 7
Asda - Jazz Apple, 100 g 52 0 0 0 0 0
Add Food Quick Tools 210 22 3 7 230 10
Kerrygold - Butter, 10 g 72 0 8 0 0 0
Warburtons Wholemeal - Brown Bread, 2 slice 206 33 3 8 300 2
Cheese - Dry Monterey Jack, 1 oz. 130 1 10 8 210 0
Add Food Quick Tools 408 34 21 16 510 2
Asda the Butcher's Selection - Beef Mince, 100 g 252 1 20 18 0 0
Asda - Rainbow Stir Fry Mix, 100 g 53 5 2 2 0 4
Add Food Quick Tools 305 6 22 20 0 4
Atkins Advantage - Chocolate Caramel Crunch, 60 g 215 14 8 21 264 1
Asda - Fresh Cream - Single, 100 ml 188 4 18 3 0 4
Add Food Quick Tools 403 18 26 24 264 5

Totals 1,326 80 72 67 1,004 21
Your Daily Goal 1,200 150 40 60 2,300 45
Remaining -126 70 -32 -7 1,296 24

as you can see I'm eating over every day but losing so am happy.
The reason I'm going over is the cream but I'm on single now not double so that is ok hahahahah ah.

Just realised it is probably easier to give you all my myfitnesspal diary link Free Calorie Counter, Diet & Exercise Journal |

Im im off to the metrocentre today to buy an outfit for my event on the 16th :) I'm excited but terrified...I'm headline speaker at Newcastle fashion week so no pressure. I'm also getting my hair done this week ready.

catch you all in a bit!
OooO I hope it ends up on youtube. You are really good at speaking so don't worry. You know what makes you so good at it. You are human!! like the rest of us. I hate public speaking, just be really prapiared and know exactly what you want to say, so even if you forget words or can't work out your notes. It wont matter because you know what you want to tell people :) I can't wait to see the out fit you get. what are you thinking? A dress or ?
Oh yes you'll be getting your metabolism stoked in the morning that's great. Your doing so well with cc.

Good luck with the shopping look forward to hear about your outfit. x
I hope you find an outfit you love! :) Most people get stage fright and it's totally normal - I'm sure you will do great!
Just dropping by to say well done Lauren. You are doing great and you will be in the 9's very soon so keep doing what you are doing as it's working.

On the perception of others (having been there and back again from fat to slimdom) I would say that people get used to use looking a certain way. My friend successfully lost 4st from Dec 2012 and has been maintaining for many months doing 5:2 and 6:1. My husband made a comment now and again he felt she had lost too much weight and looked very skinny (he never normally says anything) and I agreed to a point initially but now months and months later I don't think she has lost too much. i think she looks fantastic and yes very slim but I think we had just become accustomed to seeing her with heavier face. I think the opposite applies too when one is accustomed to seeing someone very slim then balloon in weight and we are shocked and tend to think along the lines of how come you have let yourself go? Even when we don't mean to judge. Just wanted to add my two pennies worth!
Well done on the CC, the losses and the 16th!

I was thinking about what you said about calories - imho it's not just the cals I like to think about but the nutritional value of the food I eat, so that's why I do quite well on low cals because I get them all from veg and not chocolate bars :) Just a thought.
On the perception of others (having been there and back again from fat to slimdom) I would say that people get used to use looking a certain way. My friend successfully lost 4st from Dec 2012 and has been maintaining for many months doing 5:2 and 6:1. My husband made a comment now and again he felt she had lost too much weight and looked very skinny (he never normally says anything) and I agreed to a point initially but now months and months later I don't think she has lost too much. i think she looks fantastic and yes very slim but I think we had just become accustomed to seeing her with heavier face. I think the opposite applies too when one is accustomed to seeing someone very slim then balloon in weight and we are shocked and tend to think along the lines of how come you have let yourself go? Even when we don't mean to judge. Just wanted to add my two pennies worth!

That makes a lot of sense. I guess it's also why if someone you see every day gradually gains or loses, you don't really notice...but if it's someone you haven't seen in a long time it comes as a huge shock. And as messed up as it is, I think a lot of people might say "you're too skinny!" as a sort of backhanded compliment, whereas "you're too fat!" has a completely different and much more negative connotation. I can also see where envy might come into play for some people, but who knows.
Hi Lauren, glad to hear your scheme is working and you feel bette on it:) xx
Well hello everyone,

I did my talk at the event and it went well, everyone that came were so inviting and lovely. I couldn't have asked for a better crowd. I loved my dress and received a few comments on it. I will post pics once I've downloaded them.

I haven't posted my diet on here because it's not Atkins or low carb to be honest. I've just been calorie counting and making sure I top up on food as much as I can to keep my metabolism going and I must admit I feel 100 times better since doing this, I'm averaging around 1250-1300 cals per day but my target is 1200 to weigh 135lbs in 5 weeks time. It's been about a week and a bit and I've lost 2-1/2lbs I think. Previous to this I was hungry most of the time and was stalled for months at the 10 stone -10.3 mark.

Today I weigh 9 stone 12 lbs 4 ounces :) apparently myfitness pall says I will be around 9-1/2 in 5 weeks. I'm happy with that :)
I'm finding I'm doing much better eating as soon as I wake and pretty much being on mod to higher carb levels throughout the day. I'm lucky that this way is not making me want to pig out and my sweet pleasure is my jazz apple on an evening. Swapping to single cream will have also helped my calories.

how are you all feeling? I'm off to catch up on your diaries now and find those photos on my camera for you all. New hair although not huge difference and new outfit.
Well done on speech, was thinking of you. Can't wait to see dress.

Great on being well into the 9's you can do it! Love waking up with more energy too great feeling. x
Morning Lauren. Great that you are in the 9's and it sounds like you will remain firmly in them as you have struck a balance with your way of eating/plan. Clearly that is the key finding that balance of a plan to stick to. lose weight and maintain without sending up off on a pig out/binge:)

Pleased your speech went well and you enjoyed the evening.

Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!
Morning everyone,

I caught the sun yesterday at the was magnificent just lying there with my head on my bag looking at the sky soaking in the sun with sand between my tootsies. I don't need a holiday this year ;)

here is the outfit I wore for my speach, I've never worn a proper dress before so felt very out of place at times but happy at others when I forgot about it :)

i had had some ice cream at the beach and came home and ate normal like a normal person instead of getting a taste for sweet Nd coming home and ordering all sorts of sweet treats like I would have before. I feel like a new person and in control.

how are you all today? Enjoying the beautiful weather?


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Hi, well done: on the speech, on eating ice cream and not pigging out, on wearing a beautiful dress for the first time......all great non scale victories!!! And you also lost weight thus are rocking it .
Weather has been great everywhere but here not fair- lol. Enjoy it.

Your dress is great and you look awesome.

Great of feeling in control, that's what it's all about x