I actually quite enjoyed the film, it's like any film that has been made based of a book in that (in my opinion) the book will always be better as that's just the way it as as films can't include everything from the book but it isn't that bad, I have seen much worse
I actually quite enjoyed the film, it's like any film that has been made based of a book in that (in my opinion) the book will always be better as that's just the way it as as films can't include everything from the book but it isn't that bad, I have seen much worse
Am about half way through me before you now and I love it!
Also was wondering if anyone had any advice on e-readers? I am wondering about getting one for my son as struggling to get him to do much reading but not sure I want to spend the amount for a kindle and wondered if there were cheaper versions that were any good?
I've got the KoBo - its the WH Smiths version of a kindle. Lot cheaper, and works fine. I've only had it a fortnight and I love it. Have a look at some reviews online and see if it's what you are looking for. They have a few models at different prices.
Hi All, I have had an email from the book people and it has a discount code for 10% off all orders and is valid until tonight. I think it is generic rather than personal to me but either way I won't use so so thought I would share it. The code is SPARKLE.
I like the book people but would never order from them again as they only use HDNL/YODEL for deliveries so unless you are in during the day I wouldn't advise ordering