Hi phil great motivation talk .......especially this
you need to have a life with your diet as this is not a prison sentence you can balance the two and still lose weight, now on the plus side you have lost four stone which is fantastic I'm shocked its gone so well your weight will start to plateau at some point when it does don't panic its inevitable, when this happens have a look what you are doing that can be improved, I'm going to finished on this note nothing in life is free you have to earn every pound lost this is a life long commitment you have started no one has a magic wand to wave to make you thin YOU GOT YOURSELF INTO THIS ITS YOUR JOB TO GET YOURSELF OUT OF IT!
Vanda is right its for most of us on here and that bit sounded like a kick up my bum for me
The 'junk' food is something you may never want again as you seem to be doing great without it
As for the isle of wight festival its 3 days and it has people like Pink Paul McCarty Blondie Spandau Ballet Suzanne Vega Paloma Faith The Strokes Shakespears sister Little Boots etc alot of pop groups and Ive never been I love Cold Play and had the chance to go se them in 2006 at the iow festival but said NO ???? I was working all day but they were on late Pm and I regret it now........ So the £130 a ticket is alot but its a big music festival,I hate crowds lol and the toilets are long qs which will make me want to go more haha BUT Oh wants to go my daughters going so if he can get tickets we may go
I can be one of the oldie 40s ravers hehe .......Ill just do my wii just dance moves
