Thank you all so much
Its lovely to hear i am inspiring others!
I can honestly say... its not so much what I ate... its the exercise I did which got me here... for years and years I wanted quick fix, without exercise... truth being all those people we see with amazing figures... bet my bottom dollar that they go to the gym a few times a week or run daily or do some sort of exercise. I tried to keep to around 1200 - 1400 calories, made up with a lot of fruit and veg, fish, chicken etc, then just adjusted how much exercise I did to reflect how much I ate
Im no fitness freak... in fact I hate exercise... well no.. maybe hate is a strong word... but it bores me and I would rather be sat on the sofa haha but ive made it part of my daily routine, Im not sweating away for hours every day in the gym, I go to Zumba one night a week with friends, I go swimming one night a week and do 1 night in the gym doing weights and playing with the different machines they have, the other 4 days of the week I go for a brisk walk and use my exercise bike while watching tv, if I get engrosed in a good film while on the bike I can burn over 1000cals in a day... I get bum ache after about 20-30mins haha so I get off, have a drink, plod around my living room for a bit, then get back on and carry on going.
This is how people maintain a healthy weight... I dont want to sound preachy but... if you go from 600cals a day to eating "normally" (if we honestly knew what normal eating was we wouldnt be here with 4, 6, 8 stone to lose would we now?) you will put weight back on.... you need to work out what your body actually needs a day in calories and yes you do need to count calories, you do need to measure out ur food, you do need to be a total food bore, because thats how you learn... none of us view food the way people who have always been slim do... we dont know portion size, we dont know how much we can get away with eating... most people who are slim naturally do this, they gage what they eat etc, we need to teach ourselves to do that too or we will just go straight back to where we were. I am now getting to the stage where I can pretty much gage if Im eating enough or not enough or too much, i know roughly how much I have burnt doing certain bits of exercise.
I would love to say there is an answer where we dont have to do anything and the weight will just fall off... but there isnt... and that is why i was so overweight because I didnt want to take responsibility for what i ate, I didnt want to exercise, I didnt want to count calories, it was all too much hassle... I couldnt be bothered... is not being bothered really an excuse for hating yourself, looking in the mirror and feeling repulsed at how u look, for letting people treat u badly, for feeling un worthy, for having no confidence in yourself what so ever... because thats how I lived my life.
I used to get angry when people would say "eat less, move more" ohhh its not that simple I would wail... i cant go to the gym at this size... ive tried exercise and nothing works... excuse after excuse... when really it is the only thing which works and which will keep the weight off in the future. The reason it never worked before is I was eating too much crap still and not moving enough!
Hope this helps
and doesnt sound like im preaching to you all.