Graph or Spreadsheet

I think I will start putting "Programmer By Appointment to Mini-Mins" after my name :)

It makes me so happy that this is proving so useful to so many people. I now wish someone had asked the question sooner .....

I just didn't think ..... apparently that is my biggest problem according to my wife :)
I've put it on the 'Pink' Forum too - everybody is loving it over there too
Great spreadsheet. If you want to PM me with your e-mail address I will send you over the spreadsheet I use which has some extra bits you may want to add into yours...some bits about weekly preditced loss based on average to date which gets added into the graph, measurements & % lost & Body fat & water content with a graph. (& yes I am another sad excel programmer!)

I use it for all my customers & find that the measurements & BF bit are a great incentive when people have not had a great weight loss week.

Hey - I'm not sad!!!! I am unemployed, but not sad!!!!

Don't know if it affects anyone posting in here, but in the Ultra-Mega-Supa-Doopa-Burn-Your-Eyes-Out-Pink forum, someone said that they were using OpenOffice rather than Microsoft Office and that the spreadsheet did not work...... Well, this one works with both, or at least ot did when I just tested it!!


    9.8 KB · Views: 251
Going to try and get this working on Apples "Numbers", it supports most excel files, but i noticed of them fail the formulas or macros.

But if you dont mind steve i hope i can modify / fix it for Numbers :confused: And try get the graph working in Apples nice 3d visual way! lol
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Thanks for sharing this, I have filled mine in .... its nice seeing it all there, I like seeing fatcs and figures (sad I know) lol

Ive been even more sad and done a little hour by hour chart too and printed that off to stick on the fridge ... lol ... anything to keep me motivated though. Now for every hour I complete Im colouring in another square (just hope the kids dont start colouring it in too). I like seeing what Im achieveing on paper not just clothes loosening (I need more hobbies I think)!
Wow! that is a brilliant spreadsheet!

Thanks so much!
thanks for this, only prob i have is my target date ...... #value, so when is that then ???????
Sounds like a "feature" to me!!! I will PM you my email address. If you send me your completed spreadsheet I will have a look-see as to what is happening!
I have PM'd my email address to both Pandora and Shrinking Nicky, but have seen no reply from either. If you send me the details by email I will try to work things through ....
sorry Steve, on nights at mo then need to work out how to send it to you, can you tell i'm a techno virgin !????