Graph or Spreadsheet

Well, if folks would like me to code a "proper" application for this stuff, then if we can start pulling some requirements together then I will quite happily code it for you guys on here. I have been given so much support on here over my weight-loss trip (that is still ongoing), that it is time for me to give something back.

If you want a proper application, that does all that the spreadsheet does and more .... then start telling me what you want.

A proper app may be easier to use for counsellors so that they can call up the details for individual clients etc ..... wrap a VB front end round a database ....

Whaddaya think?
I just wanted to thank you for this spreadsheet. It is amazing. Hysterically I asked my techie DH to make me one last night and he didn't have time. This is even better than anything he could have come up with.

I joined Cambridge last week and would love to be able to track my progress with this graph but I can't seem to open it! I've went to Winzips website and there are a few different options there and I'm not too sure which I need if any! So any help would be gratefully recieved!
You should not need any of them. THis is a standard Windows compressed folder. You should be able to save it to your drive, double-click to open and extract the file
Strange - no-one else has had problems with it!! You sure that your version of Windows has been validated or it is not something your end ?? I have just tried it on a clean PC and it works fine.

If you want to PM me your mail address, I can send the file directly to you instead
is there any chance of putting in a column where you can state what you did in that week ie SS, 790, 100 etc so it can give a bit of an idea on how you do for each type. even totm for some people

maybe between the date and new weight?

brilliant though, i think it is an amazing spreadsheet, never seen aything like it. i love doing excel formulas and stuff but dont know anything more than the basics boo ho
I will add another column to the spreadsheet for those that want it. What I have tended to do is to right-click and use the "Add Comment" to add such information.

I will post when I have done this.
The graph is great, i was just about to start doing one for my clients as a few have asked why i don't have it on a spreadsheet, now i don't have to do the hard work. Thanks alot, it is brilliant.
Sorry - seriously sidetracked ...


Just read my reply of 28th October (about adding a column for allowing selection of the plan being followed for the week). I had completely forgotten about this, what with all the cr4p that has been going on in my life. Anyhow, this is back on my list, and I will do this later and post before the end of the day.
Okay - here we go. I have incorporated all the bits and pieces that I have been asked for either in here or by email:

  1. I have added the column for the plan being followed for the week
  2. I have hidden all the measurement stuff at the top
  3. I have locked all cells but the yellow ones so that you cannot edit a cell by mistake and lose any formulae
  4. When the sheet is "protected" for 3 above, pressing tab just jumps from yellow cell to yellow cell now - no chance of even typing into one of the others, and if you do then you just get a load of abuse from Excel!! :)
One thing to note, though, that because of the requirement of 3 above, you will not be able to just cut-n-paste additional rows like before. Well, you can but only after unprotecting the worksheet. What you need to do is simply Tools | Protection | Unprotect Sheet and you can cut-n-paste rows as before. If you are one of the guys who asked for the protection, just be sure to put the protection back on again afterwards or you will be in the same boat as before with the entire sheet being editable! All you need to do is Tools | Protection | Protect Sheet. Don't change anything, just click on OK.

Hope matches all requirements sent to me since last time I made a change. I apologise if I have missed any - I have been a bit all over the place for a while!


    41.3 KB · Views: 562
Hi Steve
Many thanks for this! I'm just starting today, will be one of Diva's girls and this is a fab tool - you are just a star! :D
Nicky x
Just found this, it's absolutely brilliant! I think this will really help with the diet, thank you so much Steve, you're a star
Thanks Steve, that's great!