Growing my baby bean with f&h

So yesterday was a good day stuck to plan all day, until i had a small slice of apple tart last night oops! Breaskfast this morning was bran flakes and homemade brown bread!
Think my small lady may have the chicken pox waiting for her to get up to check, hopefully she does and they will be over and done with we have been waiting since feb!

Congrats on your pregnancy - when are you due? and good luck with staying on plan!

Hope the chicken pox will be over and done with x

Hey thanks, not due until october so feels like ages away! I am seriously struggling to stay on track trying to be as good as possible but so days i go a bit crazy and eat loads!

Its definitely the chicken pox anyway so have stocked up on drugs from the chemist to get her through hopefully it wont be too awful!
Oh brilliant we can support each other! Do you have a food diary? I have stuck to plan so far today heres hoping i can keep it up!
That be lovely, I got diary in silver members section there's a link in my signature- eating healthy for 2, only just start it!

Well done for today, every good day goes into the right direction x

Hey Cas, i cant find it on my phone for some reason i will keep trying!
Sorry Cas3 its just not letting me on for some reason!
I am so struggling to be good its awful before i got pregnant i was doing so well feel like a bit of a balloon at the minute, really bloated and stuff. Gonna just try and take it one meal at a time. I still have about 10 easter eggs in the press which definitely is not helping!
I have actually started to do slimming world, i am a bit all over the place!! My mother and sister do it so i am hoping they will help keep me on track, it has only been two days though! Ifs so hard to stay on track even knowing its more important now! F&h is great just need something new to focus on i think!!
Its really hard hun i cant seem to get motivated to cook theres not many foods left i can stomach. SW is fab tho iv heard good things from other pregnant ladies. Im going to give f&h a go basically so i can eat crumpets for tea after work hehe. How far along r u now have u been feeling ok? X
I am only 15 weeks, it feels like it is dragging! How far along are you know? did you find out if you are having a girl or boy? I am and i can't wait 4 1/2weeks!! I love that you can eat bread on f&h its great, i will miss that about it, i find i am eating way more fruit and veg now doing sw!
Im nearly 21 weeks I'm having a lil boy. I know what u mean its gone really slow for me im getting fed up now. I do love bread ha iv been living off cheese sandwiches for a few weeks no wonder my face has balloned! Im glad your enjoying SW what have you been eating at teatimes? X
hi hope your doing ok, I'm 14 wks now and it's going fast, got my next scan on 2nd June - I might try Sw again- been eating rubbish all week and feel so bloated. Have you got any instincts on the gender? I'm not sure with this one with my others I knew they were girls xx

Hey cas , i am in ireland and i don't have an official scan again until 31 weeks its sucks, we are gonna book a private scan for when we are 20 weeks to get baby checked out and find out the gender, i am hoping its a boy as i have a little girl and it would be just perfect but i have a feeling its another girl, can't wait to find out! Are you gonna find out?
Im nearly 21 weeks I'm having a lil boy. I know what u mean its gone really slow for me im getting fed up now. I do love bread ha iv been living off cheese sandwiches for a few weeks no wonder my face has balloned! Im glad your enjoying SW what have you been eating at teatimes? X

I resorted back to the stone age and started using a pen and paper i will put up a pic now of my last 3 days ignore the scribbles, my daughter is an artist!! Hopefully they are not too small to read!!


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Hey cas , i am in ireland and i don't have an official scan again until 31 weeks its sucks, we are gonna book a private scan for when we are 20 weeks to get baby checked out and find out the gender, i am hoping its a boy as i have a little girl and it would be just perfect but i have a feeling its another girl, can't wait to find out! Are you gonna find out?

Aww hope your be buying blue this time :) 31 weeks is a long wait! I've got 3 girls I be happy with a boy or girl but think I would just like to know x