Gutted!! Weight not moving on SS

Well despite a horrific period (due to being 2 weeks late) I still lost 4lb! I'm happy with that :) back on SS now...

I lost 4lb on my WI on Weds just gone, back on SS now, not having another WI until a week today, if I'm honest I'm a bit down about my losses compared to others and previous starts to this diet, but hey, good things come to those that weight..... Ummmmm, that's not right.... those that WAIT lol!!!
Onwards and downwards xxx
Try not to compare to other people...we all lose weight at different rates! It's heat doesn't help either :) xx

I lost 4lb on my WI on Weds just gone, back on SS now, not having another WI until a week today, if I'm honest I'm a bit down about my losses compared to others and previous starts to this diet, but hey, good things come to those that weight..... Ummmmm, that's not right.... those that WAIT lol!!!
Onwards and downwards xxx

Don't worry: others may surge ahead of you but some will be trudging far behind. I forget who it is but someone on this forum has a signature comment along the lines of "I may not be close to finishing the race but at least I started and plenty didn't", only it's phrased much better than that. You're doing infinitely better than someone your size who hasn't yet been motivated to change. :)
I have the biggest loser "liked" on Facebook and they posted a pic that said, it doesn't matter how slow you go, you're already lapping the ones still on the couch!!
What you said reminded me of that :)
Thank you both for caring, it means a lot!
I'll get there, just gonna take a bit longer than I first thought, that's all, maybe I'll have a late surge lol!!!!
Oh it must be frustrating to see other losing so much more so quickly but I agree so much with what everyone else said - you are off that couch and doing something about it. You may well have a surge later, i look at people's weekly losses in their signatures and suddenly a 6lbs will appear after loads of smaller ones, so maybe you will get a few of those. You are being so strong, i hope you are very chuffed with yourself!
Thx huni :)

Well if the surge happens you guys will know, I'll be posting my progress all the way thru this diet!
Ok it may not be a quick journey, but I'm 100% committed to staying in the zone, to see the journey out!!!
Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot!!
Have a fab CWP weekend xxxx
I thought it was tonight lol gl for the morning then im sure u will do fab x
You ae most welcome its nice when u speak to sumone with similar amounts to lose :) share your journey with them as they know what u going through going bed now gl for morning will check tomorow night when i come home how much u have lost x
2.8lb loss :( 21lb in 7 weeks, not brilliant but least I'm doing something about it!! That's what I keep telling myself anyway xxx
1 and half stone in 1 and half months is brill u r doing fab well done xxxx
Thx huni, gonna start exercising to try and help it along as I admit, other than housework I do no exercise whatsoever....will c how that helps, thx again for your support it means a lot xxx
I just walk everyday as not supposed to do loads on SS but i find that helps me and its getting me more active than i have been im same as u never exercise
Mrs B, harassed mum is right, if you look at the whole picture your total weight loss over 7 weeks is pretty good! I totally understand your frustration though, however much we try and tell ourselves not to compare ourselves to others its bloody hard not to sometimes.

After my slow initial week I made some changes, you may already be doing these but I will mention them in case they can help at all.

I increased my exercise, i now swim early most mornings as I have been told that is the best time to exercise for fat burning.

Even though I dont really want it so early I try to have my first product as early in the day as I possible can, my CDC is convinced it helps boost the metabolism.

I increased my liquid intake from around 2.5 to 3.5 litres

I changed from fizzy water to plain water (and definitely feel less "blown up"

I am sure there were another couple of changes, if I think of them I will post them her
Hi huni, I've not mentioned this as its not been relevant to weight loss, but I had a nervous breakdown 3 years ago, still suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia, I would KILL to be able to go swimming to fix this, but I had a panic attack in the pool years ago and can't go anymore, had intensive therapy for most situations but that's 1 thing I couldn't get over :(
I've bought a treadmill so I can walk without being out on my own or taking up others free time, as they'd have to walk with me....
My GP cleared it ok for me to do this diet.
I will implement everything else you suggest and keep you posted :)
Love to all for caring xxx