MrsB, congratulations on persevering with the swimming today - that's amazing! I managed an hour and a half in the pool today (it's not impressive, I'm just very, very slow), but yesterday I lasted 10 minutes. I had to leave because this group of teenage boys kept jumping on my head. I felt so silly, being almost 30 and afraid of a pack of feral kids! It's an outdoor pool so today's rain kept everyone away. I loved it - even managed to do a bit of front crawl which I'm usually far too shy to do in public. Boy, that stroke is a cardio workout, huh?! I hadn't realised how easy-peasy I'd been taking it with my old faithful breast stroke!
And I know exactly what you mean about food dreams!! Just the other night I dreamt I spent hours searching for the world's best cheese and onion sandwich and then I ate it. I was so upset when I woke up and it took me about 30 minutes to realise that it hadn't actually happened. My brain isn't so sharp first thing in the morning!
To MrsB and froggy, congratulations on your 2lb losses! That's very impressive! Froggy, yours is probably low because last week's was so gigantic, and MrsB yours is probably low because you've been swimming so much, and have probably therefore dropped more fat but gained some extra muscle!