Gym classes - which do you recommend?

I'm the most uncoordinated person in the world and I DON'T dance, but I'd give zumba a go with you one of the days if you wanted? For the laugh alone it would be worth it :p
Have you tried any of the other classes yet? I'm tempted to do a legs bums & tums class but I'm not sure if it's meant for weight loss or just toning up your legs, bum & tum... I don't fulllly understand which exercises are for muscle toning and which exercises are for fitness & weight loss.
But I'd say give Zumba a go when you can book in! It's always worth at least one go, you might as well if it's included in your membership :D
I LOVE Zumba and legs bums and tums too, definitely give it a try and if you don't like it, you don't have to go back x