Half-the-person-I-used-to-be team?

mmmmm onion bhajis :drool: Shall have to try making them - thanks Scotdeb!

Steve - sorry (again) that I still haven't gotten around to the promised recipes... I am clearly being rubbish this week :rolleyes: Started something first thing this morning that was meant to take half an hour max - and I have *just* finished it - took about 12 hours in the end :banghead: I will get around to it in the end, I promise... Just hope that they are worth the wait now lol
Thanks everyone for your kind comments :), Have got a good chicken curry recipe which I shall try and post at the weekend, it's one we have just about every other week! (It's free on extra easy)

Well done Pogle on your 3lb's

Another late night;) - good job I am 10-6pm on Thursdays lol.

Excellent night tonight as reported elsewhere. In case you missed it, I have added considerably to my collection of "bling".

2.5lb loss, slimmer of the eek, slimmer of the month, 1.5st sticker and Club 10 all in one night!

To top it off I even won the raffle:eek: - I felt like Jodie Foster at Oscar time (my favourite actress).

Nay, them pics are great - well done to you, but as a bloke, can I request on the "after" photo you re-do it and lift your head - lift in high and be proud girlie.

Good night all - if i ever get to sleep tonight, I'll be dreaming of my weekend hike in Hexhamshire (Northumberland) - just as the snows arrive :cry:

Sounds like you had a great night at your WI Steve! Well done on your loss, you are powering through aren't you?! :happy096::clap:

Here is the first of my recipes (this is my current favourite by quite a long way - very easy to make in large batches, very filling, and seriously yummy!). I might add them one or two at a time for a while, rather than all at once, as typing them all up would take an age!

Three Bean Chilli with Bulgar – serves 10-12. Free on Green, and EE.

This is a recipe originally designed to be made in a slow cooker, but I see no reason why it couldn't be made in a (very) large casserole dish in the oven if you don't have a slow-cooker. (even with a very large casserole dish, you may have to halve the recipe though – this really does make a LOT of chilli!) It freezes very well indeed, and can be reheated straight from frozen.

This dish is such a rich, thick chilli, that you barely notice that it doesn't contain any meat. The secret is the 'meaty' portobello mushrooms, and the bulgur wheat which thickens and adds texture.

The combination of the 3 different beans and bulgur also mean that this dish is a complete protein.

1 tbsp Vegetable Oil (because this recipe is divided into at least 10 portions, 1 tbsp of oil should not be a problem, but you could either Syn it, or use fry-lite if you wanted)
2 onions, finely chopped
4 carrots, peeled and diced
4 stalks celery, de-stringed, and diced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tbsp chilli powder
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tbsp cumin seeds, toasted and coarsely chopped
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black peppercorns
2 cans of tinned tomatoes, including juice
3 large portobello mushrooms, stemmed, and cut into ½ inch squares
750 ml vegetable stock
1 can (400g) white kidney beans, drained and rinsed – OR – 1 cup (250ml) dried white kidney beans, cooked and drained **
1 can (400g) Red kidney beans, drained and rinsed – OR – 1 cup (250ml) dried red kidney beans, cooked and drained
1 can (400g) Chickpeas, drained and rinsed – OR – 1 cup (250ml) dried chickpeas, cooked and drained
1 to 2 jalapeño peppers, seeded and finely chopped (if you like it hot, don't remove the seeds)
1 cup (250ml) bulgur wheat
(We like our chilli HOT, so we normally add a few extra dried chillis along with the jalapeño)

1 - In a skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add onions, carrots and celery, and cook, stirring, until softened (about 7 minutes). Add garlic, chilli powder, oregano, cumin seeds, salt and peppercorns, and cook, stirring for 1 minute. Add tomatoes with juice, and bring to the boil, breaking up with spoon.

2 - Place chopped mushrooms in slow-cooker stoneware, or large casserole dish. Pour tomato and vegetable mixture over the mushrooms. Add vegetable stock, the 3 different beans, and stir to mix.

3 - Cover, and cook on low for 8-10 hours, or on high for 4-5 hours, until mixture is hot and bubbling. Don't worry if it looks slightly watery at this stage, that will change when you add the bulgur.

4 - Stir in the jalapeño pepper, and bulgur wheat. Cover again and cook until the bulgar absorbs the liquid and is tender – about 30 minutes.

** I've never been able to find 'white kidney beans' – so I use dried haricot beans, cooked and drained. Works perfectly well – as I am sure it would with any other kind of bean that you want to replace it with.
well done Steve, you're doing really well keep up the good work! And it's not my after picture still got 20lbs to go yet before I reach "healthy" weight! Besides it was the only pic I had of me currently, after I lapsed slightly and put a few pounds on! :)

Pogle that chilli recipe looks really good will have to try it, maybe not in those quantities though! :)

Pogle that chilli recipe looks really good will have to try it, maybe not in those quantities though! :)


That might not be a bad plan! I never really thought about just how much it actually makes until I was typing it out to be honest - as I say, it was a recipe designed to be done in a slow cooker, (one of the large 7-quart ones), so it all fits into mine perfectly - I just dish it up, and then bung whatever is left (which, as there are only 2 of us means that what is left is normally rather a lot, unless we've had friends round - they always insist on seconds and thirds when I've cooked that for them lol) in tupperware type tubs, and freeze it. Means that after a busy day, I don't have to faff cooking a 'proper' meal, and can just bung a pot of it into the microwave, stick some rice on the hob, and wait for it to ping :D

I was craving it after typing it out this morning, so dug out one of the smaller pots to have for my lunch - yummy :D
Thanks girls;)

Oh no! everytime I go shopping I spend ages looking at spices. I always pick them up and put them back as never sure if I already have them!

Sussed it out though - now carry a list lol.

Recipes are meant to be adapted I think.

I've already got batches of chilli in the freezer. I'm trying to find a good quality food flask for my hillwalking - much prefer piping-hot chilli than a cold sandwich out there.

Anyway, I'm hoping to be out over the next few days as it is my birthday weekend and off work until Tuesday. Weather permitting, I'll be outdoors a lot and not on here as much.

Not sure about you guys and locations but it is below freezing here in the northeast (England) and several inches of snow - probably sheet ice by now (early hours) and of course no gritted roads:rolleyes:

Have a good one.

Good luck with being out, hope you make it, no snow here ( kids very disappointed!) it is bloodly cold though! Jake decided we needed to cycle to school this morning, which was nice!

P.s I've lost 1.5 lbs this week :)

Sneaking your loss in there at the end again Nay? hehe, well done - 1.5lb is great :clap:

We haven't had any snow here yet either, which I am very grateful for, my OH is flying back in from Vancouver tomorrow am, and I was getting worried that he wouldn't be able to land!
According to the MET office, we are due for snow on Tuesday, and it will be accompanied by very strong winds... making it a blizzard... Marvelous :rolleyes::eek:

Good luck with walking this weekend Steve, hope the weather doesn't cause you too many problems! And... :D:birthday::bday::party0048:
We had snow today, yay! :) kids were very happy, I'm happy with the 3lbs I've lost this month, it's hard maintaining! my will power isn't what it used to be :) another 2lbs before Christmas and I will have managed the same weight for 3 Christmas :) still 7lbs off healthy weight but I seem to be comfortable at this weight!
:( I'm snowed in - completely deluged!!! it's no fun. My car is buried and my ramble was predictably called off:(

Stuck in the house, freezing cold and feeling desperate to get out. Already desperately trying to find how to get to work on Tuesday morning - I'm not even sure I can get to work for 8am - there's no direct bus and not sure I can even get a connecting bus in time s I live in an outlying village with no direct service.

I'm freezing indoors with heating on so will probably risk hypothermia getting to work.

On a happier note, a nice cheeky little loss there Nay.
That's not good Steve! We've not had much snow but are due some I think! Got down to minus 8 last night, have had our wood burning stoves working hard all day.

Oh no Steve, being snowed in is no fun, especially when your house is cold! :gen125:

We've still not had any snow (well, unless you count a very light dusting overnight - it looks like the cars have dandruff, that's how light it is lol) and I am keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrows predicted blizzards in the south east don't materialise!! All that will happen is that they'll cancel the OH's train, and he won't be able to get to work... so instead he'll 'work from home' (i.e. sit and play computer games all day :rolleyes:) and drive me loopy :eek:

I am annoyed to say that my WI didn't exactly go to plan this morning - I gained 1lb :sigh: Not entirely sure why either, which is the worst bit. If I had been 'naughty', or gone way off-plan, I might've understood it. Hey ho. My body is probably just doing odd things again, and I did have a decent loss last week, so it's not the end of the world in the grand scheme of things!
Lost 1lb this week.

Not surprised at so small a loss, I've been ill with a bad cold and gave in to a few cravings for cakes and croissants!
Don't worry about Pogle, it does that sometimes :)

Oh, I'm not really bothered, I know I can lose it again (plus a bit hopefully!) this week, it's just frustrating more than anything!

1lb is a respectable loss Scotdeb, especially as you've been poorly and the bakery section was calling you!;)
Hi gang:p

Well, I'm now officially fed-up! Today I "suffered" getting the bus to work for the first time in almost 7 years. I've lost my car - it's somewhere on the drive buried under Everest!!

I say bus, but it was 3 buses in truth, plus a walk through snowdrifts, leaving the house at 6.40am - then I got to repeat it coming home at 4pm arriving home after 6.30 because of buses not running on time or at all. I think I was lucky as the roads were beginning to freeze and all buses stopped at 7pm!

Not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow, Oh I've not been bad, just keep getting days mixed up and going over with my HEX's and having to syn them. Also eating more hot food (essential) so always feeling content - missed my weekend hike as called off and turned 46 on Monday! so feeling old, lazy and heavy lol

Today I've made batches of Shepherds pie, Chilli con Carne and Vegetable soup - so a nice full freezer. Might be some time before I get to Asda lol!

Well done on the loss ScotDeb - I'd be delighted with a 1lb loss this week and Pogle it is annoying - any gain is, but not sure how to keep losing in this temperature. No doubt I'll be kicking myself tomorrow:(

Finally, on a brighter note. The view from upstairs is pretty lol

By the way, where is everyone located?



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I've been awol from here again :eek: another busy week! Last friday was my works xmas meal, I ate soooo much! :eek: so wasn't expecting much at class last night but amazed!! I lost 2lb :D gonna be extra careful this week cos got a feeling its going to catch up with me! lol
Sounds like a nightmare Steve! we've been really lucky, it snowed on and off all day yesterday but didn't settle! Which really annoyed the kids lol I'm about 20 mins away from Exeter and there has been snow all around us, just not on my little town!
You are so right about needing loads of hot food, i'm off in a bit to make a huge stew that will hopefully last a few days!
That sounds like a nightmare journey to and from work Steve, but I trust that you enjoyed your birthday weekend? I'm sure that you will be fine at tomorrows WI, and even if you do have a slight gain, I know you'll be able to get it back off again very quickly!

Hello again Hannah, I was wondering where you had gone!
Well done on your 2lb loss! :happy096: That is great, especially after your works meal!

It started snowing & settling here properly yesterday (I live about 15 mins from Guildford, in the south east), but thankfully isn't as bad as it has been over the last few years (yet!!) when we were getting almost 2 foot of snow every time :rolleyes:

In other news, OH bought me the new EA sports active for the wii yesterday and I swear to god, it's trying to kill me lol. I thought I was doing ok with the original version, but the new one seems to be more intense, even on the same settings! Seems better than the original in lots of ways though, no more garotting myself with the cable for a start pmsl (this one is completely wireless). So provided it doesn't kill me in the meantime, I should be fighting fit in no time :D

I've been loads hungrier than normal over the last few days, which I assume is to do with the cold :confused: But I made a batch of super-speed soup earlier in the week, (which I wasn't sure about, but it's absolutely delicious!) and great in this weather! I don't know how good it will be at helping boost my losses yet, but it's worth a try, and lots of others on here swear by it, so fingers crossed!
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