I have SO enjoyed reading this thread.
Dom 1979 - I was fascinated by your comments about not being any happier slim than overweight. I've never been slim before (not that I remember) but have strived towards this goal for 30 years.
I'm not far away from it just now but am suddenly aware that it may not be all it's cracked up to be! I think I speak for most people then I say that I have put off doing something "until I have lost weight".
Interestingly, we were talking at our LL meeting recently and one lady mentioned that she and her husband had never taken the opportunity to paraglide when on holiday, because SHE felt she was too overweight. Now she is slim, her husband mentioned to her that they could now do it when next on holiday. She realised that she didn't really want to do it anyway!
What things have I put off doing "until I am slim" that I may have no intention of doing or trying to achieve anyway? What about you?
Have I been hiding behind the fat to avoid trying something new? It has been a good excuse so far, but maybe I will have to face some unpleasant truths soon. Hmmm....
The other thing Dom1979 is your mentioning the Indian cycle ride - I want to hear more about your experience. Can you do a 'potted history' of your experiences please. It sound amazing!
It's weird isn't it! I think the 'me not being happy' part came from me not being used to having an attractive body. I was so used to compensating for my body with make up, shoes, oh and being a right noisy so and so, that once i had a slim body, it took a lot of getting used to! It was a bit like I would imagine being a celebrity was like, it was ALL anyone EVER wanted to talk to me about! I wonder whether me regaining 20 lbs was to do with me wanting space to get used to being slim? Oh wow, breakthrough!!!!!
So, onto the bike ride! I could quite happily bore on about this for hours, as it was the most amazing experience of my life so far, but will try and keep it 'potted', like you asked for! Originally, 2006 was to be the year I lost weight, and also the year I got married! I knew I would need something else to focus on after the wedding. I was reading 'slimming' magazine one day (in the staff room at work) and saw and advert for RNIB, advertising the ride. In a very spontaneous moment, I phoned up, paid my £250 registration fee, and was accepted onto the ride! I had to raise £2500 before i went, as well as doing the training. Oh and I cancelled my wedding as I realised I wasn't ready, but OH and I are still very much together and happier than ever!
I rode with 19 other people, of very varying levels of fitness. We had a doctor who rode along with us, a support van, a bike mechanic with 2 assistants, another truck that took our stuff from camp to camp and another truck that set up every lunch break and cooked us lunch (as well as setting up camp and sorting breakfast and dinner). We slept in either carpetted tents or v basic hotels. Daily routine was up at 6am, breakfast (or not in my case, can't do it!), then on the bikes for 7am. Cycle to the first stop for snacks and juice, then cycle onto the lunch stop for an hour(ish). Then cycle to the next break, then cycle on through to the camp/hotel.
It was an amazing experience, and i have made a lot of what i believe will be life long friends. I can remember that it did hurt at the time, (although i didn't really get any muscle soreness until the morning of day 3) but I can't really remember that now! It was a real mental challenge as well, as there were many moments where i just thought 'you can't do this, stop riding' and had to fight my silly mind! I did it though! Whenever i think I can't do something now, I just think - you cycled through desert (that is bloody hard, i'm not going to lie, cycling through sand!), up mountains, dealt with one person trying to push you off your bike, and someone else throwing stones at you, got lost in a sand dune and cycled over 100K in one day as a consequence, you sure as £$%^ can do this!!!