Day 31
Sorry have been a bit slack at updating this, am at home for a bit so don't have as much free time as I usually do at work!
This has been one of the hardest weeks on RTM, and i'm not sure why! It's just because i'm now down to 2 packs a day, so my typical daily menu is:
Breakfast: Yoghurt and berries or a scrambled egg with some smoked salmon
Lunch: LL Vegetable Soup
Dinner: Chicken Stirfry or My Mousakka or Thai Salmon etc.
Evening Snack: Sugar Free Jelly and LL Toffee Bar.
And I sometimes snack on a apple, or a yoghurt, and sometimes pieces of ham/chicken.
But I just find myself not wanting the LL packs anymore. The other day I had a LL vanilla shake for brekkie, so had French Onion soup for lunch (only 120 cals a can!) and it was so much more tasty and filling....but if I don't have the LL Veg soup for lunch, then I don't know how i'd squeeze a second lighter life pack in. Some nights I don't even want my LL toffee bar, but feel like I need to eat it! I never thought i'd say this, but I can't wait until I get down to 1 pack a day...then no packs!
I've also eaten out twice since I got home.
Went out for my FIRST MEAL! on friday with my mum, had a lovely steak with mushroom and I swapped the chips for some carrots.
(sorry about the darkness/bluriness, blackberry camera isn't so good!)
Then last night went out for a meal with my family, and some relatives, and had another steak (the menu didn't have many options!) with mushroom, then swapped the chips for 'seasonal veg' which was carrots (again!) and red cabbage, which I had never tried before and it was DELICIOUS! So overall I think i've made sensible decisions. I will admit that I had a glass of prosecco on Friday, then a small glass of wine last night, but it's week 5 and alcohol is allowed, wahooo! Just can't go too crazy.
I am slightly apprehensive this week that i'll have put weight on. Just silly little things, like went to cinema with my brother and he got a pick'n'mix and found myself pinching some sweets, which at the end of the day I know won't kill me but I end up feeling so guilty everytime I eat something. I'm still going to the gym and I think that's making me more hungry.
I have to head back up to Manchester tomorrow evening, as i'm going into work on Wednesday morning to hand my notice in (thank god!) I then have a job interview on Thursday afternoon, so will have to stay in Manchester for another night, but will be coming back home again after the interview. So won't be having quite the relaxing week I was planning. And weds and thurs are going to be quite hectic/stressful days so need to plan my food or I know i'll end up panicking about what to eat.
Am making my mousakka for my mum and dad tonight so am off to get cooking!