Thank you for all your lovely comments!
I ordered the black dress this morning
Am very happy as in the shop it was £65, but found it on for £60 and with student discount got it for £48, I love a bargain! Have lots of christmas parties coming up so it'll earn its keep, haha!
Am counting down the days until thursday as can't wait to be able to eat again, am finding it easy to stick to the packs, am just missing the taste of food. And also week 8 is carbs week, so am looking forward to making healthy pasta bakes, and curries. Am not sure how my body will react to carbs but have to re-introduce them at some point so it'll be fun to see!
This time round LOADS of my hair is falling out. I'm actually shocked by how much I seem to be losing. If i run my fingers through my hair so much comes out, it's quite upsetting. Maybe I put my body into shock mode by going back to the packs, but hopefully when I start eating again it'll settle down. Is strange as in foundation I was pretty lucky as it was one of the side effects I seemed to avoid.
Maybe its a mixture of stress and lighter life? Who knows! On that note, I applied for the most perfect job last night! So have my fingers crossed that I hear back soon, it would be as an events office assistant at a conference centre in Manchester, which would be great for me as a)its events which is what I want to do and b) they need someone until April 2011, which would suit me to the ground as I have to go back to Uni and am hopefully going to do some traveling this summer
I have everything crossed that I get it, wish me luck!