ProPoints Hannah's not sure what she's doing anymore...

4 now though ;)

I decided to not have wine & had the wispa I bought earlier in the day. Not the best use of pp but 6pp is quite a lot so I thought it best to eat! I didn't get a huge amount of time to eat today which was good as at work till 7pm:

B- sultana bran, milk, banana (4pp)
L- warb thin, low fat philly, ham, cucumber, melon (5pp)
D- chicken, heaps of veg & pasta with cheese (11pp)
S- chorizo & sd tomato, wispa, nectarine (9pp)

AP's - 6 cycle & walk, cycle commute is 2pp & the rest is down to work :)

Just got to mention my bargains from work! Pears, tomatoes, red peppers, leeks & potatoes all for £1 - happy days!!


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4 now though ;)

I decided to not have wine & had the wispa I bought earlier in the day. Not the best use of pp but 6pp is quite a lot so I thought it best to eat! I didn't get a huge amount of time to eat today which was good as at work till 7pm:

B- sultana bran, milk, banana (4pp)
L- warb thin, low fat philly, ham, cucumber, melon (5pp)
D- chicken, heaps of veg & pasta with cheese (11pp)
S- chorizo & sd tomato, wispa, nectarine (9pp)

AP's - 6 cycle & walk, cycle commute is 2pp & the rest is down to work :)

Just got to mention my bargains from work! Pears, tomatoes, red peppers, leeks & potatoes all for £1 - happy days!!

Jealous of your bargains ;-) You're giving me a competition now ;-) I just love Wispas, I think they are such good value for 6pp as they feel like a 'real' chocolate hit! Hope u have a fab Friday. X
Healthy eating for life?? Here's hoping!!

I love dipping a wispa into my tea that's my fav comfort thing ever. That or cadburys mint crisp delish of your bargains
Hope you have a fab Friday

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Mint crisp...will have to hunt it out!

I love treating myself to crunchie/wispa/ you say Serena it's a proper chocolate hit!

It was very soft though, so I think I'd have lost it if I dipped it in tea - must put choc in fridge/freezer!

Having a lazy day today, didn't set my alarm :) decided to go for a run even though my legs are tired - only managed 3k in 21 mins, but it was 10am by then so schorchio! I did see an amazing thing - what I think was a young peregrine falcon feeding off a kill, got really close to it & it was in the park too, so must've been hungry. Well worth the heat exhaustion!!

Meant to have got an assignment draft back with comments on Wednesday from uni & still not arrived.....which is a pain because I really need to get cracking with it. Mind you it gives me the perfect excuse to be lazy today!!
Mint crisp...will have to hunt it out!

I love treating myself to crunchie/wispa/ you say Serena it's a proper chocolate hit!

It was very soft though, so I think I'd have lost it if I dipped it in tea - must put choc in fridge/freezer!

Having a lazy day today, didn't set my alarm :) decided to go for a run even though my legs are tired - only managed 3k in 21 mins, but it was 10am by then so schorchio! I did see an amazing thing - what I think was a young peregrine falcon feeding off a kill, got really close to it & it was in the park too, so must've been hungry. Well worth the heat exhaustion!!

Meant to have got an assignment draft back with comments on Wednesday from uni & still not arrived.....which is a pain because I really need to get cracking with it. Mind you it gives me the perfect excuse to be lazy today!!

Any excuse for a lazy day is an excuse I like ;-) I keep all our Chocolate in the Salad Drawer at bottom of the fridge, the other drawer is used for Cheese! My other 'real' Chocolate Hit is a Twirl, they are so yummy! X
Healthy eating for life?? Here's hoping!!

Mmmm twirl I also love Moros and snickers oh god girls I'd actually kill for one now
Ah I love lazy days ya can't beat them. Fair play for going Runnin when your legs wer tired and I bet u wer glad you went cuz ya would of missed the falcon. I love seeing things like that when I'm out running it makes it all worth while

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Re: Healthy eating for life?? Here's hoping!!

Mmmm-twirl, Moro, wispa - yum. :D
Well done on run. Enjoy lazy day. :D
Re: Healthy eating for life?? Here's hoping!!

Oh now I want maltesers. :D
Here's a few snaps of my food today!!

Ice lolly 2pp - lush


Banana & apricot loaf 4pp a slice - yum


Dinner - roasted veg & chicken, served with new pots 10pp - mmmmmmm!

Here's a few snaps of my food today!!

Ice lolly 2pp - lush

<img src=""/>

Banana & apricot loaf 4pp a slice - yum

<img src=""/>

Dinner - roasted veg & chicken, served with new pots 10pp - mmmmmmm!

<img src=""/>

OMG your food looks amazing! Did you make the Banana and Apricot Loaf? X
Yes I bought some cheap apricots the other day and remembered I really don't like them in their natural form, so add that to nearly past it eggs & bananas - I needed to bake!! Found the recipe in an old points WW recipe book, 10 slices, 4pp each :)
Yes I bought some cheap apricots the other day and remembered I really don't like them in their natural form, so add that to nearly past it eggs & bananas - I needed to bake!! Found the recipe in an old points WW recipe book, 10 slices, 4pp each :)

Mmmmmm that sounds so yummy! Although I'd probably make it in Muffin Cases as I couldn't trust myself to Cut it 'correctly' lol x
Ohh god why did I log in here I want a twirl....or maltesers and an icepop!

Definitely don't look on my thread then ;-) x
Here's a few snaps of my food today!!

Ice lolly 2pp - lush

View attachment 100133

Banana & apricot loaf 4pp a slice - yum

View attachment 100134

Dinner - roasted veg & chicken, served with new pots 10pp - mmmmmmm!

View attachment 100136

all looks lovely, bread looks so nice. i made some bread the other day (a french stick) and it was so heavy, me and the dog (staffy) played tug of war with it and even he couldn't pull it apart haahahahahahaha urs looks all light and airy (grrrr) its the one thing im a disaster at x
all looks lovely, bread looks so nice. i made some bread the other day (a french stick) and it was so heavy, me and the dog (staffy) played tug of war with it and even he couldn't pull it apart haahahahahahaha urs looks all light and airy (grrrr) its the one thing im a disaster at x

U should of kept it for if hubby steps out of line ;-) X
No lots of squirty cream & sprinkles involved!!!

So today has been pretty low key and spent at home :) Woke late, tried to go for a run with moderate success, saw a peregrine, sorted out my fridge & freezer, sowed more lettuce, did some washing, cleaned the rabbits hutch, baked & then sat down with my lunch & vegged in front if the box....just got back from collecting (on foot) hub from the station & now parked in front of the box again!! Planning on wine & pud now :)

B- banana, strawbs, muller light (2pp)
L- Italian pasta soup, light feta & salad, quavers, (5pp)
D- roasted veg, chicken & new potatoes with flora ltl (10pp)
S- nectarine, ice lolly, banana & apricot loaf, chocolate frozen yoghurt, strawberries & sugar free jelly (8pp)
Drinks- 2 x Pimms, wine (7pp)

AP's- 5 run & walk