Oh yes I did!!!! Now for wine and chocolate...
Menu for today:
B- ff yog, mixed berries, banana & milk (2pp)
L- pasta soup & 2 x WW sausages, fruit salad (5pp)
D- squarish wrap pizza, half a garlic pitta, salad (14pp), red wine (4pp)
S- 11g Special K crisps (1), cuppa soup (2), fruities (1), Hebridean choc (3)
3 weeklies used, 46 left
AP's 6 -little jog & walking
Good day today, got some chores done, caught up on some telly & did some work on my assignment (not enough mind!)![]()
Ha ha ha, you'd think called wrath of the titans they'd put a few hotties in, like troy or 300....drool!!
Thanks for the food compliments....I'm really trying to mix up meals at the moment, spag bol, stir fry, chilli & meatballs make a very common appearance usually, along with Friday night pizza & Saturday night steak
The soup is a WW recipe, Italian spaghetti soup, I just used a mix of veg, tomatoes, stock & chucked some wholewheat spag in....their recipe is 4pp but I halved the spag & got it for 2pp!! I just added the sausages yesterday for sustenance!
Hebridean chocolate, is as it says on the tin!! We got it from Isle of Lewis, in the outer Hebrides. They have a tiny little shop & factory & they employ the young & disadvantaged, which is great, because its a harsh place to live in reality. Probably over populated for the job market & only really busy in the summer season, so any young people with a difficulties/troubled background don't stand a chance. So I bought a fair few bars!! I have to say not quite G&B but good none the less. I had a chunk of milk choc & lime (the best do far), dark choc peppermint & dark choc orange. The chilli choc has all gone but was delish as has the butterscotch, which I didn't get a look in with!!
Picnic in the sun (I hope) today, followed by a boozy night in![]()
So I met Serena's challenge of 65pp last Saturday...I managed 65 yesterday!!
B- cereal & milk, banana (4pp)
L- picnic in the park, my friend brought some bits too, so probably overestimated as I didn't have loads...bulger wheat salad, potato salad, ham, green salad, crudités & dip, bread, fruit salad, half a Chelsea bun, fab ice lolly, sf fizzy pop (18pp)
D- M&S £10 meal.....chicken & Parmesan with wedges & salad (12pp) followed by millionaires shortbread dessert (12pp!!!! gorgeous though!!)
Drinkies- beer, Pimms, cava, red wine (19pp)
Weeklies - 36 = 39/49 so far, 10 left
AP's - 2pp walk & short cycle, pretty lame
Nice day spent in the garden, at the park with friend & baby & date night with hub, happy Hannah
Today not so much fun....working arduously on an essay I'm so freakin bored with![]()
Masters is animal behaviour sounds very very interesting. I looked into going down that route after my psychology degree but chickened out and went into the easier working with humans approach. Ick. To be honest I am not sure how well i would have done working with animals, I think i would have struggled to keep my emotions out of it whereas I find that much easier with people as I tend to like them less![]()
The pudding was scrummy as usual, it's an old favourite!
I'm doing a masters in animal behaviour, with a focus on conservation. It's a really tough job market though, so I can only hope it'll lead to something & won't be a waste of time & money...
So you clocked up 75 last week Serena, that's very good going considering it was all meringue & double cream![]()