Gold Member
No it's not your age, I did weigh but forgot to post which is crazy seeing as I lost 2lbs!!! So I'm 9st10, aiming for 9st5 I it'll be interesting to see what happens this week! I'm not bothered if I gain it's an experiment really!
I'm sure we can still be friends Janine, as you say they'll be no stealing of each other's wine, all good
I love red wine & can't stand white or rose unless there's bubbles in it, then I'm all over it 
I have been pleasantly surprised today and not been hungry, no cravings either!
B - blueberry porridge with skimmed milk, I cheekily added 1g of chopped hazelnuts for 0pp!
S - Greek yog & fruit
L - bulgar wheat & tuna salad with a oil based dressing
S - I had some lunch leftover and finished that when I got in as I was peckish....
D - spaghetti bolognese topped with quark. The quark wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, although not as good as the Parmesan in the fridge!!
Later - sugar free jelly & raspberries
So very filling & healthy I think. I definitely had more at breakfast, I added some oats to my oat so simple sachet & it sorted me out till my first break at 12pm. I was fairly hungry by lunch, but had a whole can if tuna plus bulgar wheat & usually I'd have half tuna with carbs or all tuna and no carbs. That did fill me up & left me with something to snack on when I got in. I'm still enjoying the full after dinner feeling and knowing I can't have chocolate later kind of puts it out of my mind. If I somehow feel hungry again I have 1pp flapjack to snack on. It's 1pp because it's mostly F&H ingredients
and I know I'm allowed chocolate I just don't want to waste any weeklies ahead of the weekend!
So all in all a successful day and my mood has been good. We shall see if that's the sane tomorrow once I hit chocolate withdrawal!!!
I'm sure we can still be friends Janine, as you say they'll be no stealing of each other's wine, all good
I have been pleasantly surprised today and not been hungry, no cravings either!
B - blueberry porridge with skimmed milk, I cheekily added 1g of chopped hazelnuts for 0pp!
S - Greek yog & fruit
L - bulgar wheat & tuna salad with a oil based dressing
S - I had some lunch leftover and finished that when I got in as I was peckish....
D - spaghetti bolognese topped with quark. The quark wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, although not as good as the Parmesan in the fridge!!
Later - sugar free jelly & raspberries
So very filling & healthy I think. I definitely had more at breakfast, I added some oats to my oat so simple sachet & it sorted me out till my first break at 12pm. I was fairly hungry by lunch, but had a whole can if tuna plus bulgar wheat & usually I'd have half tuna with carbs or all tuna and no carbs. That did fill me up & left me with something to snack on when I got in. I'm still enjoying the full after dinner feeling and knowing I can't have chocolate later kind of puts it out of my mind. If I somehow feel hungry again I have 1pp flapjack to snack on. It's 1pp because it's mostly F&H ingredients
So all in all a successful day and my mood has been good. We shall see if that's the sane tomorrow once I hit chocolate withdrawal!!!