Yes busy couple of weeks, can't wait till June but then the project begins!! Still I have a lovely treat booked dad & stepmum got me a spa voucher for my bday so I've booked in for the day at a s****y spa the week after the exam & tri

Good day today so far, it absolutely poured earlier, like sky falling in stuff, but fortunately it pretty much passed before I headed home from work & stayed reasonably dry for my run, so all good!! I wouldn't have gone out in the crazy weather though - it was NUTS!! Don't know if anyone else has had the same??
Exercise plan for the next two weeks
Monday: 8 x 2 min intervals, 1 min walk
Tuesday: 60 min bike
Wednesday: 1km swim
Thursday: 30-40 min run
Friday: 800m Swim
Saturday: 15 min swim : 45 min bike : 20 min run
Sunday: REST!!
Then week 3 is restful/recovering until the big 'race'!
Training's been going quite well. My swim has stayed the same, 200m in 5m30. Bike varies, particularly on the route (hills/traffic lights/WIND!), but running is ok. I did a bike:run last week & did the 2.5k in 15 mins so super chuffed with that
I'd like to say I'm getting super svelte BUT I've kind of been eating the extra calories, oops!!
I'll update food tomorrow!!