I'm not sure yet....I've quite a selection! They were on offer at Waitrose recently, about £2 off for the pack

Thursday B: banana & yoghurt (176) L: butternut squash soup, ham & leftover new potato salad, apple (387) S: crudités & beetroot houmous, melon (146) D: linguine carbonara made with light philly & veggies, jelly, strawbs & mini g&b (711) Total: 1420 Shred level 2 - still way hard!!! Got very little work done today but have made a start on getting the house ready for guests, so that's something plus put stuff in freecycle & eBay, so fingers crossed it shifts! While on that topic & I'm hoping this doesn't break any rules - let me know if it does & I'll edit the post! I have tickets to sell but I want to sell them at face value so don't want to sell them on a site I need to pay commission....any ideas??