ProPoints Hannah's not sure what she's doing anymore...



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And a ginger & lemon infusion which reminded me how much I want a teapot infuser...I'll put it in my letter to Father Christmas ;)


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It is quiet, it looks like most of the posts I subscribed to the posters have gone AWOL like I did!!

Had a crazy bad headache today which I guess is the effect of no caffine, still it's now passed! I've been hungry today though, so will probably be ending the day on about 1400 calories. I can live with that though!! :)
Morning :)

Hope your headache has gone now? I was getting a lot of headaches after I started on ww early this year and would also get them if I had a week off plan and went back to it again. It had been worrying me a little but someone mentioned last week that it could be when our bodies are detoxing and that makes sense really doesn't it? I had a google and headaches are one of the main symptoms of detox!

Hope you have a good day today xx
Is the minimum dailies still 26 ? or have they increased again to 29 - I'm coming back to WW after a few weeks on SW and I've gained..........not happy and I've done WW before - just fancied a change and it all sounded amazing, perhaps my body didn't like the change
Back to WW it is - with almost a stone to goes !
It has been pretty quiet of late. Several people are still around, just not posting as often I think. What you posted last week looks really healthy and delicious. How did the rest of the week go? It really is so hard to get back on track this time of year :/
OK so I'm back in the game...I think!! It all just stopped after my last post, felt rough, baked a heap of cookies, went to NL had friends visit etc etc...oops! This all ties together I promise but in other news I have a new job :) Atomic you asked in your thread & I'm pleased to say I can shrug off my supermarket uniform :D I'm going back into social care, working in the offices providing admin support to services & service/registered managers etc... Looking forward to it, working better hours, better pay, more opportunities plus I get to feel useful, hopefully :) However my job dilemma... My office wear, none of it fits anymore & I don't want to buy more as most of my stuff is in good nic... Also clothes no longer fitting is a sure sign I need to reign it in! Plus my weigh in at 10st8 is my highest in a loooooong time :-/ So I'm here!! Eating 'cleaner' again, hoping there's a lot of water retention!

I've pretty much eaten the same yesterday & today:
B: oats, kiwi fruit & milk
S: plain yoghurt & fruit salad
L: vegetable, lentil & pearl barley soup, half graze punnet (endamame & kale), 2 satsumas
S: cashews & banana
D: roasted aubergine, squash & haddock in a tomato based stew


Came to about 1100 calories. Out to lunch tomorrow so may not be so clean, but will be good breakfast & dinner!

Morning :)

Hope your headache has gone now? I was getting a lot of headaches after I started on ww early this year and would also get them if I had a week off plan and went back to it again. It had been worrying me a little but someone mentioned last week that it could be when our bodies are detoxing and that makes sense really doesn't it? I had a google and headaches are one of the main symptoms of detox!

Hope you have a good day today xx

Hi Sammy, yes I felt a lot better the following morning thanks....however as you can see off plan again :-/ Having done a fair few 'detoxes' or at least cleaner eating I've had these headaches before!! Mind you I think that was the week I had a cold, so the combo of that plus lack of sleep didn't help!!!! However, today on day 2 of clean I have felt fine, irritated but fine (work)! Hope you're ok :)

Is the minimum dailies still 26 ? or have they increased again to 29 - I'm coming back to WW after a few weeks on SW and I've gained..........not happy and I've done WW before - just fancied a change and it all sounded amazing, perhaps my body didn't like the change
Back to WW it is - with almost a stone to goes !

Hi Lolly, sorry for the late reply (2 weeks, or is it 3?!)... Dailies are still 26 but I always went by 29 as when I was on track I always lost & it was more flexible to my boozing!! Hope you're getting back into it :)

It has been pretty quiet of late. Several people are still around, just not posting as often I think. What you posted last week looks really healthy and delicious. How did the rest of the week go? It really is so hard to get back on track this time of year :/

It looks like it, most of the people I subscribe to have had no activity!! I guess I should hunt out some more people, might try & get on track a bit first though!! As you can see from my post it didn't continue well! Well it was tasty & thirst quenching ;) just need to keep focused the next couple of weeks at least, hoping the office environment may help me stay on track... :-/

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So this goes to show how much water I was retaining, along with carb loading, boozing & tot 9 weeks I was 10st8 Monday morning...2 days clean eating & one less so....10st3 this morning & I even fit back into two pairs of work trousers...must try to stay focussed!

Yesterday I met up with a friend for lunch, it was his birthday too so menu a bit bad...!

B: oats, milk & kiwi fruit
S: fruit salad & yoghut
L: .... Pesto chicken sandwich, brownie, two pots caffeine tea & a pint!!!
D: veg stir fry with brown rice
S: half graze punnet - deconstructed carrot cake

So I think because the rest of my day was on track I managed to keep my calorie count to just under 1900, phew!

Right need to find some gloves, my rad is on full but my fingers are still numb, brrr!!

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Thank you :)

I'll probably weigh officially on Friday' scales are nearly out of battery & I'm contemplating not replacing them until mid January!!
That's awesome scale news for just two days back on the clean eating wagon :) And congratulations on the new job, I know how much you wanted out so really pleased you've found something. And better hours and more money this time of year has got to be a good thing!

Your aubergine pictures looks yummy. Its something I often forget about as OH wouldn't touch it with a barge pole but I really like it, especially when paired with curry spices.

How is Stan? Still being a naugty little bunny?

Yes 11 days late but the sentiment is the same!!

Well I think it's been back and it's been about a month since my last post & several since I've put any real effort into. My name on this, the last time, is an absolute joke!!! But I'd like 2015 to be the year I really change my ways and find a way of being healthy & trim that suits my lifestyle....

I meant to get back to it last Monday but didn't do very well food wise...however I did start my triathlon training so that's a start. I'm finding working in an office with the option of eating all day is a bad thing! But we've rid it of treats & everyone is trying to be a bit healthier, safety in numbers & all that.

I weighed in last week at 10st11 :-/ that's nearly 11st... Not good & I feel so bloated & wobbly & clothes don't fit or my bras...enough is enough she says drinking from a bottle of beer with one eye on the carbonara :D

So my aim for the week ahead is Monday to 5pm Friday clean eating. I suppose it's a bit like WW core or SW but without the treats - those are for the weekend ;) Basically no weighing or measuring & no cr*p. My alterations will be full fat yoghurt, sparing use of grated hard cheese on pasta dishes & trail mix. Hunger is my biggest thing & I'm on a training day tomorrow, which will be a real test. They're putting on lunch & I'm sure they'll be biscuits in the tea break, but I'm taking a packed lunch #icandothis

Job is going well btw & Stan is a misbehaving but adorable toe rag!

Hope everyone had lovely Christmases & New Years & that 2015 will be a success for us all :D

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I think Monday's, so I can clean slate it! Also it's when I'm at my heaviest so no nasty surprises. Hoping I've managed not to gain this week! It was just one glass, prosecco, the other was water but I maxed 2 large glasses of red at the theatre & another on the way home, quite sozzled by the time I got in the door!!

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