Aww hun. Im sending you a hug.
Your priority at the moment is you and your lovely family. We all need a job to survive and we all know how many people out there not even willing to work. You are, so you will find something because youre not a quitter! The little part of you i've 'met' has shown me that much. Put your efforts into keep on looking around and your spare time getting as much quality time with your parents especially dad and being a rock for mum.
You'll survive this, you have a loving OH who will be seeing that you both get through this together.
As for SW you have got us.

cheeky to praise ourselves but we are great support for one another, so if one of your aims is to keep on going with this, we will do our best to help you. Especially me!
If other priorities take over cum and find me cos im not going nowhere for a while. Im such a serial dietter ill always be here.
I know what im saying is not enough at the moment as you feel your whole world is caving in, but look for the things to be grateful for and you'll shine through. I promise you, you will.
Hope ur ok love, its made me soo sad reading your post as i can almost hear your emotions. Wish you were closer.
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