Thanks for the quidco idea, going to take a look now. Ive got insurance and bits due in May so it could all add up. Never really try these sites unless I know someone else who has tried and tested them. Thank you worth a look, another £250 repair on car. Ive just been looking at buying a brand new car on credit and exchanging it in three years, everyone seems to be doing it but again Im frightened of things like that, as it won't be mine. i like to know I own things and won't have debt collectors at the door!
Is it like a tapestry thing? I love tapestries and never sit down long enough to do them, but they are so relaxing.
Im really picky today think its because im not busy, if I eat another bit of fruit I'll be living on the toilet! good thing - bad thing? Not sure.
Making the meat feast pizza from mag tonight bought wm bread mix instead of white, do you think I could could some as my HexB? Not sure where you stand doing your own.