Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

hannata said:
He's got the most startling bright blue eyes and blonde hair. Built like a tank but not overbuilt. He's 13 stone and about the same height I am (5ft10) so BMI wise he'd be about 26/27 but all of his weigh is muscle! And he has a lovely smile :D

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OMG!!! He sounds fabulous... What an incentive to go to the gym :p x
Han you are so amazing :) x
hannata said:
I'm amazing at projectile vomit... New skill lol xxx

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Won't lie, that made me chuckle :) But i've vommed after training before, just means u've worked a little hard (or ate to recently!) xx
Caroline_Louise said:
Won't lie, that made me chuckle :) But i've vommed after training before, just means u've worked a little hard (or ate to recently!) xx

I had breakfast at 9 and nothing after, asides some sugar free cherryade, and my session was at 12. Think I overdid it. Was keen to prove myself but conveniently forgot that I've lost most if not all of the fitness I had a year before now... Silly silly. I never vommed before but when I started the gym first time I was very much a novice and didn't do a lot, now I have the confidence and the knowledge to do it but not the physical ability lol xxx

I might do a bit of a c25k style training once a week, but take it at a slower pace. And I want to get back in to spin as well, that's definitely a good cardiovascular workout lol xx

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Love Freddos , and the occasional Taz bar :)

Ur pt sounds like he knows his shiz, which is good, and me thinks the two of you will be getting some great results! Helps that he's a fitty too ;-) xxx
Hehe sounds like he's a good moruvator

Man I love freddos LOL I got a load of choc yesterday.. put in a bag in fridge marked MINE !! LOL god help anyone who eats it LOL two bars of divine and some local choc - one lemon cheesecake flavour and one peanut butter omg!!

Psst....spin makes me sick.. but I still spin LOL

RebekahR said:
Hehe sounds like he's a good moruvator

Man I love freddos LOL I got a load of choc yesterday.. put in a bag in fridge marked MINE !! LOL god help anyone who eats it LOL two bars of divine and some local choc - one lemon cheesecake flavour and one peanut butter omg!!

Psst....spin makes me sick.. but I still spin LOL


Spins awesome, its so freaking sore and hard, but it's as addictive as class A drugs lol xx

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Yeah I'm making my lazy ass go to spin this week, it may kill me at 7am LOL but I blatantly won't manage it after normal training in evenings!

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hannata said:
He looks like a male bodybuilding version of you actually!! Hubba Hubba ;) xx

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Hahaha han! This is the funniest ad best thing i've heard in ages :-D xx
hannata said:
Facebook stalking go!

Hubba Hubba :D

Totally not my type, but he's still smokin'

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Not mine either but I agree hot to trot (if I was 20 years younger lol!) xx
Crikey, check out those arms! Also not my type (not his day is it?!) but appreciating the muscled bod though ;-) x
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Caroline_Louise said:
Crikey, check out those arms! Also not my type (not his day is it?!) but appreciating the muscles bod though ;-) x

He's very cute but I tend to go for the dark bearded type lol. His body is amazeballs :3

I think my type may very well start to change if he keeps smiling in my direction lol xx

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hannata said:
I think my type may very well start to change if he keeps smiling in my direction lol xx

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Ha ha!! Yes I think he would have that effect on all of us eventually :p x