Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

Lou_G said:
You'll definitely see a gain following a hard gym session, something about muscles and water and recovery or something (scientific!!) Don't be disheartened

Do you measure too?

I don't strictly measure but I know that I'm not putting on inches, infant I'm getting smaller. Just gotta have faith that it will work out. I think it's something to do with your muscles holding water or glycogen as they repair.

My legs feel a lot slimmer this week than they normally do so i must be on the right track.. Here's hoping.

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that's the main thing, the scales could be telling you anything - that you've got stones in your pockets or something :D:D but your clothes tell the true story, they won't lie to you

Trust in the clothes you must (Yoda voice)
I had a crappy weigh in this week too.
3lb gain!!!
I know i haven't been perfect this week but there is no way I've eaten enough to gain three pounds.
Going to try to be very good the next few weeks.
MissAmy said:
I had a crappy weigh in this week too.
3lb gain!!!
I know i haven't been perfect this week but there is no way I've eaten enough to gain three pounds.
Going to try to be very good the next few weeks.

It's frustrating isn't it, seems to be in the air at the moment, seeing a lot of people having crap weeks despite being good. We'll get through it though!!

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Sorry about the WI Hann, but as Lou said it really is water and Glycogen storage thats to blame for the weight increase & not fat...its one of the down sides of daily weighing and you've just got to take it on the chin and move on. I'm still betting on that whoosh moment this week, so hang on in there......will keep the door unlocked, no need to bang on it if i'm wrong:rolleyes:
JillyCornwall said:
Sorry about the WI Hann, but as Lou said it really is water and Glycogen storage thats to blame for the weight increase & not fat...its one of the down sides of daily weighing and you've just got to take it on the chin and move on. I'm still betting on that whoosh moment this week, so hang on in there......will keep the door unlocked, no need to bang on it if i'm wrong:rolleyes:

Wise words as always thank you. I know I need to be a little bit more patient lol.

I've had two milky ways, a crunchy and a bowl of cereal today. Put a loaf in the oven just now and I'll have a bit of that when it's done. Other than that no more eating for today. Not exactly healthy or structured but it'll do.

I'm gonna get myself to a spin class sometime this week, Saturday at the latest. That should help perk up my spirits. And get onto my training plan. Gonna plan to go to the gym for all of my available days this week, tues, thur, sat&sun. Need to get into the way of keeping the exercise up. Will keep at my circuits around the office on my fasting days (mwf) and do them at least twice. Not gonna let this get me down, just gonna use it as an excuse to kick ass. Not once have I thought about giving up on the diet, the worst I've done is been a bit bad on ups. Tbh a bad up day seems to make me more determined to get into a good fast. Just gotta keep pushing and I'll break through eventually. If I was doing a "normal" diet I would've given up loooooooong before now. I know I seem really down and stuff but I'm not intending to stop now, not when I've got so far, I guess I just need to vent my frustrations rather than bottling them up. It's all here in its ugliness lol xx

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Great attitude!!!:)
Plus this is just the place to vent!!!
Yeah... I'm trying my hardest to stay positive but sometimes I just have bad days

I think I'm coming down with this bug my sister and mum had, really bad coughing, yay. I've already got lung problems so I guess I better make sure I've got my inhaler on me :(

And my butt hurts something chronic lol damn exercise!!

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Morning young lady !

Well look at that, a lovely little loss, and on a monday too-woopwoop, hooray and yay :)
I don't think you really need any advice, you hve everything sussed really! Just keep exercising, and keep going. The scales will catch up with the inch loss eventually. Ooh and remember to have a nice bit of protein after the gym to help ur lovely muscles grow and repair :)
I am officially on week 2 now and things are going swimmingly, chicken chasseur and plum crumble with icecream last night and still under 2000cals, happy happy joyful joyful! Have a good day my lovely xxx
Wow thats a good result. The body works in mysterious ways!

Keep going Hannah - what sort of stuff do you do at the gym?
~Louise~ said:
Wow thats a good result. The body works in mysterious ways!

Keep going Hannah - what sort of stuff do you do at the gym?

I'm doing freestyle exercises as per my personal trainer, and I'm gonna start spin soon :) ive attached my training schedule, it's a belter. I've only done the 10&12 sets so far and aiming to do all 3

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hannata said:
Well done CL, you're doing fab :):) I am having a premade shake thing that I buy at the gym currently, going to look into getting some clean protein with no rubbish in it at some point. Perhaps some unflavoured whey... x

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I really recommend USN diet whey. Its very low in cals and carbs compared to other brands but still protein packed :) (plus is the only one that didnt give me chronic wind!)
I shall think of u whilst doing my VIPR today ;-) xxx