Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

Caroline_Louise said:
Lovely post han :)
I was saying to my mum yesterday that when we talk about losing weight (people generally i mean) 99% of the time it is based on\motivated by appearance. Im as guilty of it as anyone but it isnt until we get stuck in to a diet (hate that word as this is more a way of life) like this one that we see the amazing benefits that go beyond appearance. Improving out mental and physical health seems to become a real consideration for us lot once we have started to feel the benefits, thus making us want to carry on. I havent binged/ purged or had one 'bad' food thought since i begun again, only been a week and a bit but for me its a big step!
I wish we could send posts from minis to all the people who think they can't lose weight because if us lot can do it, anyone can!! Xx

Yep agree totally, it's always about looking better at first. We all get on like it's health reasons etc, but we're all as vain as each other. :p

The health changes have just reinforced me sticking to this plan. Mental health is such a huge part of successful dieting.

I'm so so happy that you feel like you're in a good place. It must be awful to battle with the binge/purge cycle, and I take my hat off to you. Superstar. You're such a lovely person, just a pity you couldn't see that more in yourself xxxx

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Also I bought myself a fancy pants hr monitor, it came last night, so expect lots of reports of how many calories I'm burning ;) I'm not using it to balance the calories off my diet, just using it as a motivation tool. Number of calories equates to how hard I've worked, and I'm not letting it have any relevance to food :p


It's pink! :)

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hannata said:
Hmmmmmmm what to have for dinner tonight........I fancy something different. Maybe a crisp sandwich xD

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You is well exotic innit ;-)
I'm going to have chicken kiev at some point soon if it helps?! Was thinking about making them but on reality i probs cant be arsed and i'll just buy them!
Flippin brilliant WI for you again, things are going from better to bestest ;-)
Hows the naughty cough etc today? Mwah xxx
Caroline_Louise said:
You is well exotic innit ;-)
I'm going to have chicken kiev at some point soon if it helps?! Was thinking about making them but on reality i probs cant be arsed and i'll just buy them!
Flippin brilliant WI for you again, things are going from better to bestest ;-)
Hows the naughty cough etc today? Mwah xxx

Cough getting there I think I slightly killed it (and myself) last night. :p xx

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Just put on a cheese and bovril loaf.... See how this turns out :0 will take pictures! My last bread was fail cause there wasn't enough dough for it to fit in the loaf tin and ended up really short (I used it on the cheese and toast dinner) and the bottom stuck to the pan... Haven't mastered the art of stoneware just yet (and it was my first time with the bread loaf tin)

I even grated the cheese and didn't eat any of it... That's pretty good willpower lol! can't wait to see how it turns out. Only used a quarter of a teaspoon of beef bovril in the dough but it should give it a nice cheesy beef taste nom nom nom :) xxxx

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You've just given me my first food pang of the day....crisp sandwich! So wrong, but right somehow.
Bread bread bread


The bovril didn't mix in so well, might mix it in with the water when I do it instead of just adding it to the dough xx

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Ok so bloat to **** I ate too much..... Half of the loaf with cheese and crisps, then my sister wanted me to take her to maccie d's.... Had a small burger and half of a chip...

Haven't ate that much in a long time.... And had the cake I was given at work this morning.... Lol.got a bueno but can't even stomach the thought of it.... Flip me.

Back to something resembling healthy tomorrow... It's really not like me to feel yuck after eating a lot, I really think I have transferred my addiction to exercise and this bloating feeling just feels sore and unpleasant..... I believe I've cracked it ladies and gents...

Also I said to slimgate that I couldn't do today cause i'm dosed with cold... So he was like what about next Tuesday... But Tuesday is my training day and I told him no! Lol go me! Also I've been a complete *****/slut to him and not apologised once, outrageously flirting and being cheeky as hell. He's still talking to me...lol.... So I was going about it the wrong way the whole time.... Men like *****es just like we women like twats.... ****ing revelation. Time to apply this to all men :) (except my two awesome friends, Simon/bolero and slimgates brother because they treat me with respect)

If it was anyone else I might have shelved my gym plans but he can go stuff. And he still hasn't mentioned where he's taking me ha ha ha like **** I'm staying in his house with him. If he insists I will be heading downstairs to see his brother who I can actually get conversation from :p

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Nice to see you standing up for yourself, Han. :) I'm awesome? Go me. lol. :p Must admit I can't understand "men" who don't treat such amazing people with the respect they deserve. Might get one friendzone more often than I'd care to contemplate, but would rather be someone's good friend than the knob no-one likes. :) Sure there's a decent guy out there for you, Han. :) x
Ok so bloat to **** I ate too much..... Half of the loaf with cheese and crisps, then my sister wanted me to take her to maccie d's.... Had a small burger and half of a chip...

Haven't ate that much in a long time.... And had the cake I was given at work this morning.... Lol.got a bueno but can't even stomach the thought of it.... Flip me.

Back to something resembling healthy tomorrow... It's really not like me to feel yuck after eating a lot, I really think I have transferred my addiction to exercise and this bloating feeling just feels sore and unpleasant..... I believe I've cracked it ladies and gents...

Also I said to slimgate that I couldn't do today cause i'm dosed with cold... So he was like what about next Tuesday... But Tuesday is my training day and I told him no! Lol go me! Also I've been a complete *****/slut to him and not apologised once, outrageously flirting and being cheeky as hell. He's still talking to me...lol.... So I was going about it the wrong way the whole time.... Men like *****es just like we women like twats.... ****ing revelation. Time to apply this to all men :) (except my two awesome friends, Simon/bolero and slimgates brother because they treat me with respect)

If it was anyone else I might have shelved my gym plans but he can go stuff. And he still hasn't mentioned where he's taking me ha ha ha like **** I'm staying in his house with him. If he insists I will be heading downstairs to see his brother who I can actually get conversation from :p

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This bloated don't like being this full feeling is exactly how I felt after the pie last week Hann, its really an amazing revelation to me that I felt that way because in the past if I didn't eat until bloated I hadn't had a good feed. How this lifestyle is changing us..I think it must be how 'normal' peeps feel LOL!!!