I can haz cake?
I've had them adjusted for a good two weeks, normally they hurt a little after they've been tightened then they slacken off after a few days... Think I was grinding in my sleep last night possibly...
Had a great fast day
Looking forward to tomorrow as its a gym day wooooo
Did my new 8 exercise routine with pt, sets 10 and 12 in about half an hour. Would like to aim to get 10 12 and 15 done in half an hour by the time I get to my next pt appointment. (4 weeks from Saturday) so I guess I had better get training so gonna go over the full routine and hopefully it's not a horrendous time to work on improving lol. Was doing a bit of granny chattin between sets so hopefully it's near enough the half an hour. I'd be pleased with less than 40minutes, and see where I go from there.
I'm feeling great today, and noticed my forearms are starting to look more toned and curvy rather than just flat
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Had a great fast day
Looking forward to tomorrow as its a gym day wooooo
Did my new 8 exercise routine with pt, sets 10 and 12 in about half an hour. Would like to aim to get 10 12 and 15 done in half an hour by the time I get to my next pt appointment. (4 weeks from Saturday) so I guess I had better get training so gonna go over the full routine and hopefully it's not a horrendous time to work on improving lol. Was doing a bit of granny chattin between sets so hopefully it's near enough the half an hour. I'd be pleased with less than 40minutes, and see where I go from there.
I'm feeling great today, and noticed my forearms are starting to look more toned and curvy rather than just flat
Sent from my iPad using MiniMins