Harry's 2013 Diary...

Thanks ED and Carrie.
Its all because of you guys.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
I am drinking like fish.
Oh God I so wanted to be in those shiny 14s. I will hit the roof with excitement. Lol. Bring it on. ... Whoop whoop.
Well done on your loss and on finishing your course.
Mere x
Well done Harry :D
I hope its water you are drinking like a fish :p
Ha ha Lol hell yeah Marge it's only water. No wine for me till Saturday night. On saturday we're going out for dinner cos of fathers day.
Great plan Harry. We are going out on Saturday night too, to the bingo :D
I am super excited :D
And this time, we are not taking the car, so we can both have a couple of drinks :)
This is sounding really positive harry - I'm really pleased for you. Keep on drinking the water, it can only do you good. Fingers crossed you get your manager's placement soon :)
Hi Harry. Congratulations on completing your course and your placment. And for being NEARLY in the 14s!!!!!! You also seem to be doing really well with your training. My first race is on Sunday and there is no way I'll be running that one all the way! Since going back to work on Monday I've not done any exercise at all. I think it will be an early night tonight and hpefully up at 5 to go out for a run!
Oh Harry that is great news about just waiting for your placement well done...and you are gong to look super sexy in that new job and being in the 14's .... Go girl go
Awww thanks ladies.
Today weight check is 15s 0. 1/2lbs
Same as yesterday Grrrrr
Off to work, I will check your diaries after work.
Be good and stay strong.
No matter Harry... Still on the cusp.. 14s THIS WEEK for sure!! :D

Have a good day xx
Thanks Ed.
I hope so.
Thanks lass.
First thing in a Morning I lock myself out of the house. Then off to work without water bottle and any food.
After work walk my dog's.
Now good half an hour in gym +sit ups.
So far I had only porridge and 2litre water and four mugs of black coffee.
Really exhausted.
Maybe I will eat something normal tonight.
Now bath time then I will try to check everyone's diary.
Have 2 packs together and you'll ease into the 14s! Glad you had a great day xxx
Hi Harry. What a day!
Tell me about it Lynn.
I had one tiger roll with egg white in it.
Very simple and very light dinner.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
:cross: Goooooood luck for tomorrow!!!!!!! Wish I could keep up with the exercise like you!
Im not sure a tiger roll will ket you see the 14's Harry :cross:
Good luck :cross: