Oh sweetheart, big hugs sent to you :bighug:
You've had such a lot to contend with lately and on top of it all, new hours that have played hell with your sleeping pattern.
To me, sleep is paramount to everything. If I can't sleep then everything else in my life falls apart. Diet included. I should imagine it's the same for you too.
Every little thing that is not going to plan in my life feels so scary and unachievable when I lie awake thinking and worrying.
But, if at lunchtime I think back to those hours, I usually wonder why I felt that low and scared. It rarely ever feels that bad in the daytime.
I know it's easy to write that down (and I know that like you, I will still worry tomorrow in the early hours when I'm unable to sleep!) but one day it just might sink in! :hug99:
Look how far you've come already Harry. You were almost 20st, you've done fantastic. So it's taking a little longer than you anticipated to get to goal. So what. How many of us achieve anything without a few slip ups along the way?
The main thing is we will pick ourselves up and get back on the wagon so to speak.
So, dust yourself down and climb back on that wagon. Oh, and get that dress ordered, something to aim for.
It might also be worth visiting your Dr and asking for something to help you to sleep until your body gets used to these shift hours.
I hope I haven't stepped out of line. I honestly do want you to feel better about yourself and reach your goal xx