I have 4 'dressings'. Well...they are big see through plasters, so I can see exactly what's going on there. Velly interesting
I do like to know details. When I was coming around from the anaesthetic, they put me on oxygen. My first sleepy words were "why am I on this?" They said I just needed a little bit of oxygen and I remember replying "why? how do you know? How long for? Is it really necessary?" Teehee.
3 of the wounds look good. Healing well. The one over my tummy button looks a bit yuck. I'm not allowed to remove them for 7 days and also not allowed to bath in this time (though I can shower). Dying to get them off! Especially to give the tummy button one a bit of fresh air!
I also can't drive yet. Allowed to try on Saturday. As long as I feel okay and can do an emergency stop
Do feel so tired though. Wonder why I feel so tired

Me thinks it's because I'm allowed to be. Really need to get back to work so I can get my mind off myself and my needs

I hate it.
House is in total disorder. Today I have the gasman coming to relay pipes in the living room and put in an airvent, so all the carpet is up, the TV has been banished to the garage....along with the sofa. As soon as he's gone, the electric man is in to put more points in

, so TV and sofa wont be going back until about 8:00pm when he thinks he'll be finished.
So standing up to write this

Think I'll have to make a nice comfy place on the floorboards

Short of walking around the block a few million times, there's little else I can do (what with not being allowed to drive).
Would like to fast forward the next few days.
Want to get back to work to get my mind off myself, don't want to because I don't really feel ready. Not sure I'll ever feel ready
Still...back to work tomorrow (not for school though). Feel sure I'll perk up by then:clap: