Day 8 after op. Have taken tummy button plaster off. That was the one that was bothering me slightly. OMG, it looks amazing :clap:
Once I'd wiped everything away, I'm left with a little scar with hardly any redness. Looks like it was done years ago
Will take the others off when I have my long awaited bath.
Am so proud of my body's ability to heal itself
Started back at work yesterday, but only part time (4 hours)

Going to work up the hours until full time. It's not so easy when you are self employed to take too much time off, but it was okay. I survived...obviously
So pleased to have had this op done and dusted. My only slight concern (well...I have to have one don't I

) is some discomfort where my gallbladder was. It's strange because it wasn't there for the few days days after the op, just came on yesterday morning.
It's like a very mild gallbladder attack

A niggling pain that doesn't go away. It's not bad though, just aware that it's constantly there. Wonder if you can get phantom pains
Anyway, dead chuffed at how the wounds are healing. My body is amazing