Right, just to record for prosterity - I've made a decision to re-up my exercise (because it's been a bit pants) so at lunchtime (I ate before I went out, whilst doing paper-worky things to save time) I used my half-hour to go for a yomp around the river (they've regenerated the riverfront near my work, with a new footbridge and lovely trees and things screening you from the road) for 30minutes. It's a really nice day here today - sunny with a bit of cloud, and unlike the rest of the country it's not roasting, it's about 15-17C with a cool breeze. I yomped fast enough that I'm still a bit over-warm now . I'll need to route-check later on to see how far it was, because it was a nice route and there's a slightly different one that I might try, too, if the weather continues dry.
In the goal of looking after myself with regards to beauty stuff I have: done a resurfacing scrub this morning and plastered on an all day sunscreen (UVA&B, SPF 15), remembered to put on sunblock lipbalm before I went out at lunchtime.
Put styling stuff in my hair so it's curly not frizzy and I don't need to screw it up in a bun .
I'm doing all this heathly eating stuff and it's about time I did the good-for-the-rest of me stuff on a regular basis.
I can report a 1 pound loss (I was, as always, hoping for a wee bit more, but I've been quite red-meat heavy this week and I'm quite happy with it altogether. I'm going to go back to my usual all-chicken-salad-all-the-time thing this week, if only to balance the fact that I've no idea what I'm eating with my friend who's staying) and class was really good fun One of the girls got to her target and was talking about exercise and things, and she'd done this walking challenge through her work that sounded really good - she had a pedometer and had to try to get 10,000 steps a day (as we're all reccomended to do) and she credits that with achieving her goal (in her words) "so easily". I really like walking, it's free and it's fun at this time of year (mostly!) so I'm going to continue trying to integrate more walking around into my life.
It doesn’t feel like I’m winning! It feels like they’re beating me to the ground!Glad to be Elaine - you are, too, you know (you've fought a lot of demons and you're winning).
I'm having a real think about non-diet related me-improvement goals (I feel like I've got the basic food stuff down), so expect more waffle!
Right, I've had a real look at what I want to do and broken it down into bit so I've developed a bit of a plan. I'm not sure how this will go, but I'm quite (to quote Jillian...) pumped about it.
Goal Setting:
Specifically what I want to achieve:
*Clearer skin so I look better with no makeup on.
*Better sleep so I'm not tired all the time and not lying in bed tossing and turning and getting frustrated.
*Be able to wear sleevless tops without shame.
Steps I'm going to take:
More water, less diet coke, more exercise, continue with SW.
What the steps actually mean:
1.Drink more water.
1.1.Fill my 1 lt bottle every day and drink at least that at my desk (also use at weekends, just for measuring purposes).
2.Drink less diet coke.
2.1.I feel that I need the caffiene and/or the flavour over just the plain water sometimes (although the caffiene is psycosomatic) so experiment with various fridge teas (rather than aspartamine filled NAS squash) and try hot green teas until I find one I like.
3.Excercise more.
3.1.Unless it is pouring I will walk my 30minute lunchbreak around the river. It is pretty.
3.2.Unless it there is a specific reason why not, I will get the train home to the further away station and walk up the hill.
3.3.I will find out the times of the trains at the further away station in the morning and time how long it takes me to get there so I can see when I'd need to leave to use that instead.
3.4.Investigate "bingo wing busters" on the internet.
4.Continue with SW
4.1.As I am - keep mixing it up, keep sticking to it.
More ephemeral goals that I need to think about and develop more to break down into specific goals and actions in future:
*More groomed.
*Better body skin - if I'm going to wear sleeveless tops and shorts, etc, I need to have skin that's fit for humans.
*House keeping routine.
*stop wasting all weekend sleeping and slothing.
Right, I intend to review this every couple of weeks or so to see how I'm going.
Morning everyone - I hope it's drier where you are than where I am
I ended up going out for dinner with my friend last night - I've updated yesterday's food diary to reflect - which put me up to 14Syns (fine) and down one HExB (boo) but dinner was LOVELY so I'm not going to complain.
After dinner we went for a walk up the big hill to the park and it was gorgeous (also, she's a LOT taller than me and walks faster, so it was at a reasonable pace), so basically I feel relatively smugly virtuous
Tonight I'm cooking (and she wants veggies, so that's a bonus, hurrah) and I'm just hoping the rain goes back off again before lunchtime so I can do a "health walk". My diet coke addiction's definitely still a problem *eyes the can sitting open on my desk* but I bought green tea on the way into work this morning and I'll take it from there.
I downloaded prevention's free walking workouts last night, so I'll try them once I'm through catching up with Jillian's podcasts and the meditation podcast continues to be useful at switching off my brain (I was up an hour and a half earlier than usual today and thus far I'm doing alright )
I'm thinking about getting a pedometer, seeing as I seem to be getting into walking (it's the easiest thing to incorporate into my day and I can do it at lunch time, so no matter what else I may end up doing, I think it'll be staying) - does anyone have any reccomendations? (I've had a look on amazon and seen what's there at a decent * rating for not too expensive, but personal experience would be useful)