HeyaMy class starts at 6.30, and I'm usually there before it's really opened (we sit around and chat, it's good) so I tend to weigh between twenty past and quarter to seven
- the I don't get home until 8ish because the class is enormous (by which point my stomach thinks my throat's been cut...).
I usually eat lunch sharpish on WI days, so I've eaten by one ish and then it's just drinks until dinner time (I stop drinking around 5, which is when I leave the office anyway, so it's not denial or anything); I think the thing is just to be consistent with it really? Any undigested dinner weight's hardly going to make a difference long-term, anyway so why starve! There are people in my class that don't eat on WI day either... I'd feel like death!
I suspect I'm going to get lots of body magic today, swimming home... It's not stopped raining since before I got up yesterday morning and apparently we had two inches of rain in two hours last night, which is a bit soggy! It just makes you want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and snooze, really, but given I didn't win the euromillions last night, I need to be at work. Ho hum.![]()
So, last night's WI gave me a drop of two and a half poundswhich gave me my 3.5stone shiney
I've NEVER lost over 50lbs before, it was a total mental sticking point for me the last time I lost a bunch of weight, but now I feel like I'm just sailing on down the river with the wind behind me![]()
Today is (oddly enough...) a red day (because I picked up a GORGEOUS lamb chop @ the butcher's yesterday and they took the fat off for me). I did take the chicken out of the freezer though, so I can assemble a curry and it can mature overnight
Jam 1 Syn
Scan Bran Part HexB
Porridge Part HexB made up with
350ml Skim Milk HExA (drank balance)
Blueberries SFree
Grapes SFree
Costa wee skinny latte w/syrup 8syns
Chilli Free (w/lots of SFree)
Tomatos S Free
Feta HexA
Soy marinaded chop Free
Salad SFree
Baby corn Sfree
Mange Tout SFree
Fibre Plus HExB
I may also have a decaff coffee @ supper time (I've people coming over) so I'll need to work out the skim milk syns (how much is a splash, both in volume and syns..?)
Elaine - wow, a 9 o'clock finish... and you couldn't even eat something quick after weighing and before image therapy, you must have been RAVENOUS.
This whole year's been a bit rubbish weather wise - I'm glad it was lovely the few days I was in Germany, because I think that's likely going to be it for us for summer. Uhrg.
I'm... Basically I can't really believe I've lost as much as I have! I mean, I'm still big - I'm still obese (although class I not class III and no longer morbidly so) - and I'm not quite comfortably into the "normal" sizes in "normal people" shops yet (it still depends on the cut and the fabric - I definitely won't have to shop in Evans again but I can't guarantee I'll be able to fit things). Mostly I'm proud of myself in a kind of intellectual way, but I know my body image is a bit off reality (but then it was when I was at my biggest, too, so it probably evens out a wee bit). I'm still very happy with how I'm eating, and very focussed on continuing it - it's very much my usual habit, not a diet and I don't miss anything (why would I? There's all this lovely yummy food I'm eating all the time and anyway I feel rubbish if I eat crappy food). I need to get my head around exercising again though, that's what tightens things up better and I need to do that!
There's one of those vibro-plate machine things in a place just up from my house - it's cheap and I thought I might give it a try just as an additional wee thing, it's supposed to be good at tightening things up in difficult to target areas and your core, so...ever little helps, right? Anyone reading ever used one?
Wheeeeee, it's friday!
Well, I went and wobbled for 10minutes last night, which was...interesting!They're absolutely not a case of stand there and it happens for you, are they? I could totally feel it, especially when I managed to tense up my stomach and things... the shop was offering a starting offer of £4 for a week's worth (max once a day, as many days as you want - usually £10 and it's £4 for one session anyway!) so I reckon I'll go on the way home tonight as well. If nothing else I get the exercise walking there and back and I think (going by the muscle twinges today) that it has actually done something for my lower stomach (which needs it) and bum (which doesn't, so much, but everything is useful, right?).
I've never done the toning table thing Elaine what're they like? There's another place near me that does them but they cost a bit more than £4...
And thank you - I know we've not met face to face but there are things I share here that I don't share elsewhere (mostly because the people I talk to IRL about this are skinny malinks and wouldn't get it, or are my mother and that's a whole other thing...) so you do know more about "the journey" (ahrg. I refuse to say that again unless I can be interviewed by Dermot O'Leary) than most. I'm delighted to inspire you (it works both ways, btw, you spur me on, too) cos you're right, you WILL lose it and be even more fabulous than you are now.
Right, Red day again, and probably an over-keenness on chicken curry but it's SO GOOD. Om nom nom.
Jam 1 Syn
Scan Bran Part HexB
Porridge Part HexB made up with
350ml Skim Milk HExA (drank balance)
Frozen fruit mix SFree
Had ginormous brekkie, so not terribly hungry.
Chicken Curry Free (80% SFree)
Cherries SFree
Might also have a wee Costas for the syns (and the nom. Dangerous, having a costas in your work...)
Chicken Curry Free (80% SFree)
??? I am now out of fibre plus and hifi bars and I think I'm going to keep it that way. I need to get a HExA and HExB in so I might just have breakfast again.
Tommorrow will be red again - I've got turkey mince defrosting for some kind of hotpot with new potato HExB sliced up and used as topping and vastly reduced chicken barbecue kebabs doing the same so I can have them before I leave to go to the farmer's market (they lack nutrional info, so I need to work out some kind of synnage for them, but I don't think they'll be hideous given they're just marinaded) and then Sunday will be green - I've got pasta in sauce to use up and then Houmous for a Hex B (or two) and potatoes for SW Chips and cheese and pickled onions OM NOM NOM.