Ela ine
Likes to post, and eat.
Well, now I'm reduced to giggles and everyone's staring at me - but I feel a heap better about the ruddy cakes, so result! Thank you!
all SD's VitaminE stuff's on offer right now - I really like it, it's not too heavy or harsh and it smells quite nice and it's at an affordable price even at full whack (you can be Irish if you want). [/QUOTES]
Oh right, will have to get myself down then!
Nooo - potaotes and red days don't mix:giggle:
Ah, yes, got to love them, not allowed to dangle them out the window by their ankles
*g* - I swear, the number of times I've been asked if my BBF and I are together! (I love him to death and all that, but No. Really, just. BAD.). It's lovely to have a male perspective about things that isn't romantic (and doesn't have familial baggage attached to it). Every girl should have one.
haha - I know exactly what you mean - we went to New york together just before chrismtas and everyone thought we were married!
Whee! I can't believe I didn't think of making some kind of rice-thingie to go with! I am obviously having a very special kind of brain day today.... THANK YOU! Awesome ideas and covers all the bases in case Tesco fails to provide :thankyou:.
Don't worry - you can always trust me to have food on the brain (ha ha ha :giggle
Don't you think, don't you think that it's easier when someone else suggests/tells you thought? Teehee! And yes, I did mean to write don't you think TWIICEE before you walk away.
Whee, I'm all positive and happy on-plan-in-my-head again!
Have a stellar afternoon!
Okay you've gotthe Incubus song in my head nowSo I guess I'll hop on and have an awesome afternoon too