Ela ine
Likes to post, and eat.
Day One: Shredded.
OMG. I think I might actually be dead and I don't even have hand weights (it's going to take a wee while before I'm strong enough to consider them, I think, the weight of my horrid fat arms are quite enough on their own!
Also I NEED a sports bra.
Jillian's really good though, not at all annoying - thank you all who reccomended her to me.
I'm off to collapse into a nice warm bath now!
Aaah! So funny! So glad you’re doing the shred though.. I need to get back on it, but had to take a break, as with swimming aswell my arms were just getting *SO* heavy.
I bought a sports bra the other week.. what a waste of £17.99 It’s like a VEST! Pfft! Going to invest in a good supportive one… when I get back from my all inclusive holiday

She IS good isn't she .... but its deffinitely a "sports bra DVD"
-bet you sleep well tonight
I always sleep better after a session with Jillian
*snorts* I bet I will, too -I am REALLY glad it arrived today, I feel a lot better head-wise for having done it, as well as wet noodle armed and legged! .
I did spend the last skippy bit holding my boobs and spare tyre instead of a pretend rope, it got a bit sore! If I can get a longer lunch tommorrow I'll bolt along to Evans - it's a big one and I should be able to pick something up relatively cheaply -I'll be ordering the good one when I next get paid!
LOL – wet noddle what?! Ha ha ha you make me laugh so much :giggle: I don’t even know your name either. Gimiie! :gimi:
p.s. my first four sessions of jumping jacks were spent holding my boobs and throwing my legs around. Ho ho ho.
Red Day: Done 100%. 2 HexAs, 2 HexBs, 6 Syns and 30minutes shredded.
So, I guess the angel on my shoulder won, not the grumpy devil - and it feels pretty good (noodly limbs aside ).
Tommorrow I'm doing OT so I won't be able to shred, and I'm on EE because it's a bit easier when eating's a bit complicated, but I'll get out at lunchtime for a yomp and I bought some lovely M&S salad to take in so I'm well sorted.
Also: Red day HexB potatoes amount to a LOT and I'd forgotten how much I like porridge
Oh, haii red day!

Well, so far I'm aware that I definitely did something last night, but the shred's not left me totally crippled (yet, there's still time...) *TMI WARNING* it seems to have brought my period on properly after nearly a week of it puttering on annoyingly (I'm not entirely sure if this is a good thing or not, because it's also brought cramp with it, but we'll go with it). *END OF TMI*
Today is a slightly awkward day eating-wise, as I won't get home until late, but I think I'm sorted and I'll defintely be out at lunchtime for a yomp (and to get facial scrub, I think I'll need it post-shred . Also a sports bra if I can get out long enough ).
Right, in the interests of keeping things mixed up whilst 100% this week: EE Day.
1* oat Scan bran part HexB
Oatssosimple Original part HexB Made up with
350ml Skim Milk HexA (drank the balance )
Raspberries S Free
Fruit Salad S Free
Muller Light Free
Yummy yum yum! Have a great day hun :girlpower: