Day 16. Another good day yesterday, actually a great day yesterday. Today when i woke i had my pins & needles back in my left hand

wonder what causes that? And i have a pain in the sole of my left foot too

i cant remember standing on anything. The only thing which was out the normal is i ran sunday night. Not far mind. I where crocs at work, as they are slip proof on wet floors. So sunday night, was just finishing up at 4:00am, we went out the front for a break before we started the clean up. And when we were coming back in, i heard someone trying to break in the back. So i took off like linford christie to the back door to be met by 4 blokes, i had told my staff to stay outside at the front of the shop and ring cops. That was my running, but i had took my feet out of the crocs as they were hot and swollen from standing 16 hours at that stage. Might not be related, but thats the only thing i can remember with my feet lol
Anyways my nails are looking great, they are a constant reminder that I'm on this 100% (one proud momma of a set of nails lol). I bought bio oil on tuesday, ur to use that twice a day, to help with stretch marks

I'm not expecting miracles, but if it does anything it will be worth it. It was half price too

Still got my chin, so no new hair cut just yet....soon.
Heres to another good day
