Day 20. Another great day yesterday. A friend came into work, she hadn't seen me in 2 weeks, she was amazed at the transformation already!!! She recommended me to get a foam roller for exercising. Had a look online, thats not really me. I wouldn't have a clue as to what I'm doing, so i think i will give that a miss.

yesterday a new friend i made on here, was to do a challenge for SW. So i took up a challenge too

Mine was to take a short walk (1 mile) every day for 7 days, and shave time of it everyday. So i will do that just before i head to work. I was panting like a dog 1/4 ways into it, but i persevered and did it. Omg I'm so unfit, i was happy to see my house again lol
i think when ive finished working all these long hours (end of september) i will join the gym. Probably safer all round workout. I will still do my walking in the evening after dinner

(my last shake that is).
I am actually loving my strawberry shakes! Never thought i'd hear myself say that! They don't feel like a chore or anything.
My friend did comment yesterday that my head was in the right place she could see that by me. Her only concern was that another friend of ours did it years ago, and stuck to it 100%. She went from 18st to 8st! And when she started eating she put it all back on and more with it. I told her that is not going to happen, i will have a outfit, and its sole purpose is to keep me around that size. If too tight, either cut down or move more! I told her this is my last diet EVER. And i mean that, whole heartedly. I have 3 daughters and 1 son. I don't want my girls thinking that because mom had trouble we our weight we too will have trouble with our weight. Or that a girls life is just consumed with diets.
Last night i painted my nails (on my left hand, as I'm right handed) just to see them looking pretty. Must take it off today for work

saying that i spoke to my niece on thursday and she said about my manicure, and putting on a conditioning top coat. Im just waiting for my 2 pinkies to catch up. I have not bitten any of them in 20 days, but those 2 were the worst. They are coming on slowly

its the small things lol
Today also I woke, got up, toilet, then hopped on scales.... 19st 3lbs this morning. The chemist reads more than mine, that doest bother me though. As long as its going down I'm happy. I cant wait to get into 18st category, i know that doesn't sound great but 20 days ago i was 21st. So 18st looks much better
I still cant believe i am still 100%. I hand on heart say to anyone, if i can do it....anyone can do it. And I'm sleeping much better, skin feel so soft (must be from all my water), confidence is high, just overall feeling great!
Didn't mean to ramble on so much today but as my 16 yr old says YOLO

heres to another great day! xxx