Hi to anyone who reads my diary
Thank you for all your lovely messages. They mean a lot and I don't say that lightly.
This weekend, in case ‘the person I least want to see’ turned up on the doorstep, we stayed with a friend for the weekend and helped her redecorate her lounge/dining room. My shoulders and arms are aching like mad today and I must have burned off a serious amount of fat going up and down the ladder. I had a bar both days, not to stop me cheating but because I felt a bit weak and thought the little extra carbs would help. I don’t think they agree with me. My stomach makes horrendous noises and I get a trapped wind like pain. They taste gorgeous though so I’m not giving them up totally but I won’t have any more this week as I want the best loss I can have on Friday.
My friend was impressed with the diet. She had a mouthful of each shake for a taste and liked them but said she wouldn’t be able to give up food. I tried to explain that I used to think that too and that once you get into the diet it’s not as hard as you think, but I couldn’t convince her. Maybe when I’m her skinny friend she’ll change her mind. And I will be her skinny friend. I’m 100% determined to complete this and not to cheat because I know that even one little nibble would knock me off track, mentally as well as physically, and I’d eat a ton of stuff and probably never get back on the diet. It is pretty much all I am focussing on right now, my end goal. Because I’m now single again I feel a bit lost with future plans and stuff like that, because the ones I had are no longer relevant. I’m looking towards the weight loss and NZ but I need to think of something beyond that so when we’re in the New Year I’ve got something to aim towards or look forward to.
My slendertone’s arrived. What a weird sensation. I like the feeling of the muscles contracting but the prickly bit argh! Hope I get used to it. I was searching for a face one and found a company that does one and they also do a pelvic floor one which goes internally. I like the idea of toning up everywhere but if the sensation is the same as the slendertone then maybe not (crossing my legs just thinking of it).