Well the weekend has left and so has an awful lot of bad feelings, i've been feeling so ill I really didn't think, do you ever just function and wonder how the day disappeared. Well thats what happened to me....
For the last few days I have woken with a headache, feeling really not well, but not being able to put my finger on it, mid way through the days I have run to the fridge and devoured, not the chocolate deserts, or the cheese I so love, not even the cooked ham I just eat without anything else, it was chicken, but you see my sub conscious held me back, how I don't know... I just ate 3 slices, there with the fridge door open and as I chewed I asked myself what was I doing?? and the answer was because I can... Then I would shake a shake and have that

, Yesterday I found myself there thinking hold on mrs, just because someone says you won't come out of ketosis what the F**k are you doing.....
Well finally I admitted it had nothing to do with lipotrim, and gosh did I cry, and I mean cry, you see 3 tears ago my life fell apart and My heart literally broke, its not something I say lightly, and to admit that I am really a hurt individual who still gets immensly sad when it crops up the pain doesnt ease at all and someone once said it takes 3 weeks to grieve, well 3 bloody weeks out of a month for me:cry:... Then I realised each time I found my self re-living the hurt and sadness I still hold, my way of dealing it was to eat.... and suddenly that has been taking away from me, well sort of... The comfort food that I used as a diversion, was no longer there....
Anyway as for the eating I realised I was only punishing myself,
The person who hurt me doesn't care thats why I was hurt, so get a grip woman and realise the only one hurting you is you... each time I think of that horrendous thing that happened i'm torturing myself- I don't deserve that I just need to keep pulling myself out of that stupid mindset, reliving it over and over...
So I got up this morning and drove over to the pharmacy and went in with a non commited attitude and got on the scales with a so what attitude, well another 7lbs , that takes my weight loss to 30lbs in 8 weeks.... I put on last week 3lbs, and I was so pleased that even with the blips that have been hogging my thoughts I had lost the half a stone, I wanted, I don't want half a stone each week thats silly, but now I have to deal with the controlled eating i'm slipping in... On Sunday I didn't have the chicken in the fridge most of the day and didn't cheat so I have banned myself from buying it...... lets see if I can pick myself up and get this black cloud to turn at least grey...