But after my horrible day yesterday, I found a lovely text from a friend who is having a hard time and I hope my reply cheered her up...
I was just getting out of the car to go swimming today and found it- i'm really bad with it, I put it down and becuase I have to have it on silent in work, even when I ring it to try and find it I can't so I just have to come across it lol...
Anyway I text her exactly as it was happening and the went swimming, I did have a nice swim and did far more than I have done before which was lovely, it would of been so easy not to go today but I made myself and keeping my things in a carrier bag ready really helps, I sat in the car park shaking my shake before I went in and thought " this is for me", I have noticed I am loosing weight off my already stick thin legs and i'm a little worried, but to be totally honest, they are the parts of me that do the most work lol... When i'm swimming i'm on my back kicking, and when i'm walking well say no more lol... so unless I start walking on my hands I guess its the legs that get it first!!!!
Now i'm home looking at the huge pile of ironing wishing i'd win the lottery... I promised myself if ever I got rich i'd pay someone to do my ironing, - I really hate it... I would rather go to work for 12 hours than do the weekly ironing!!!! even thinking about it makes me grumpy, and don't even talk to me while i'm doing it

, but after its over i'm ok

I've decided its Friday(has nothing to really do with friday), i'm having an ironing free day.....
Wow thats feels better already lol..
Going out tonight with my daughter to wait for it....... Bingo......
I used to go with my nan and mum down the hall when I was young, and I loved it, and tonight i'm going to drag "my" daughter to see if I still love it.... I'll let you know.. and if I win I will celebrate with 2 pints of water on me.......
Food I thought about it this morning and wondered if long term I could get a astranought- can't spell it, meal replacement for life, you see my demon is food, smokers can give up smoking and never smoke again, but us who's demon is food can never give it up

, so if someone made a never eat again meal, then I think i'd take it... now science fiction over my washing maching has just finished spinning so out comes the towels, i'm bound to be back after all its my day off