Hello! I start tomorrow

Hey :)

I'm on day 6 now and not hungry at all! I'm so excited for my weigh in tomorrow morning! Glad the hunger has gone too! Looking forward to seeing your results on Monday x
Hi All,

Day five done today. I feel really good not hungry and seem to have more energy than I do normally!

I am going for my first weigh in tomorrow, it is slightly early as I am unable to go every week on a Monday as I may not finish work and get there in time. So hoping to still see a good result after 6 days!

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Kelly x
10.5lb's off this morning at my first weigh in! So pleased with that especially as it was not a full week yet! :D

It definitely motivates you to keep going!

Kelly. x

Well done Kelly!!! :)

Thanks Gareth, I was really pleased but have really struggled all weekend which I realised I would. For once I am looking forward to work on Monday!
I'm struggling today, been working the last 5 days so I've been busy. Next door are having a BBQ which isn't helping!

Weigh in tomorrow which should drive me on for another week!!!
I'm struggling today too, lost 5lbs in my first week (which isn't bad since I lost all my water weight on slimming world about 3 weeks ago...) it'll be so very worth it tomorrow I promise! x
Morning Everyone!

Just been for my weigh in and I've lost 12lbs in my first week!!
Really happy with that, makes it all worthwhile!
Hi Gareth, I am 26 and starting this either today or tomorrow so definately keep in contact pal, i'll watch this forum post i'm about 240lbs and so all the best to you and let's give it the best! :D
Morning Everyone!

Just been for my weigh in and I've lost 12lbs in my first week!!
Really happy with that, makes it all worthwhile!

Hi Gareth,

Well done on your first weigh in! I must admit I am really struggling this week more than last week. How are you getting on?

Kelly x
Hi Kelly

I'm doing ok this week, having quite a lot of cravings, but I think I'm well used to the shakes now, still drinking plenty of water, but I am missing food! Got to be strong though, and take it week by week!

hope you feel better tomorrow

Day 10 is done!

Played football tonight which was a struggle as my body was crying out at me to stop! Played for an hour and felt great after it!

I'm well into the routine now, i have my shakes at 2pm-3pm then 8pm-9pm, that works for me and I'm still getting 3-4 litres of water down my neck everyday, although I'm bit bored of that now!

It's my last day off of the week tomorrow then I've got 4 in which should keep me nice and busy up until Monday for my second weigh in!

Hope everyone is ok, and good luck to all the new starters reading!!
Hey Gaz,

Well done for sticking in there for 10 days pal i'm watching you closely as you are like a future version of me! haha would love to get into that 10 day stretch, good to hear you exercised and yep i'm sure it will get easier, think of all those extra calories that you burned, they will be chomping at those fat stores! Almost onto my 3rd day after this sleep but in all honesty it feels relatively easy... I think between 3-5day I will be nervous waiting for the worst... but I dunno, maybe because I have fasted before i'm not finding it so tough? hmm anyway keep at it pal!
Hey Gaz,

Well done for sticking in there for 10 days pal i'm watching you closely as you are like a future version of me! haha would love to get into that 10 day stretch, good to hear you exercised and yep i'm sure it will get easier, think of all those extra calories that you burned, they will be chomping at those fat stores! Almost onto my 3rd day after this sleep but in all honesty it feels relatively easy... I think between 3-5day I will be nervous waiting for the worst... but I dunno, maybe because I have fasted before i'm not finding it so tough? hmm anyway keep at it pal!

I found the first few day a lot easier than I thought I would exactly the same as you, my 4th day was the worst, but that was just a lot more hunger which I got rid of with water!

I think you soon get into the routine and it becomes very easy, it's all in your head after the first week :)